I'm exercising and ..... nadda

I signed my family up 5 months ago for TaeKwonDo we work out a minimum of 4 times a week for an hour and I've cut my calories and I can't seem to get beyond loosing the original 5 lbs and I've not gone done a dress size either. I'm really starting to get frustrated because I'm not seeing any results for my hard work. Is there something else that I can do?


  • hiddensvelte
    hiddensvelte Posts: 53 Member
    Are you tracking your eating habits? I understand the frustration. I applaud that your working out and willing to make a change. Maybe you've cut too much from your diet. The best explanation I've heard and it is simple, eat healthy snacks during the day. If your body's metabolism is like a fire and the calories you feed it like wood, the fire burns brightest when feed constantly with smaller sticks than with a couple of logs.

    You can friend me (I'll send an invite), I got started in a kenpo martial arts program in my city about a year ago. I was the last of my family to join, the kids first and then my wife (she started with kickboxing :O) An hour is a pretty good, intense workout for me. This summer I've been doing about the same and have lost 10 lbs so far (I have more to go). Its always easier for those with a lot of weight (like me) to loose initially than those last 10-20 lbs, but it is possible.

    Unfortunately, it's not easier, what works for one person may not work for another, but the collective (MFP) can help you figure it out.
  • rhinowithonehorn
    I signed my family up 5 months ago for TaeKwonDo we work out a minimum of 4 times a week for an hour and I've cut my calories and I can't seem to get beyond loosing the original 5 lbs and I've not gone done a dress size either. I'm really starting to get frustrated because I'm not seeing any results for my hard work. Is there something else that I can do?

    The truth is exercise is not very efficient at burning calories. If we could run on gasoline like a car we would get 912 miles per gallon. We are extremely efficient but this is a bad thing when it comes to weight loss. its diet that counts.