Trying to balance it all

Trying to balance work, family, excercise and getting everything else done that has to get done. I'm sure there are other moms out there that feel the same way! Looking for some friends to share recipes and tips! I'm 40 and trying to lose 20 lbs. I've been using MFP for a little over a week now and have seen what a great program it can be if a person can stick with it. Balance! That's what Im finding it's all about.:smile:


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm a SAHM to 5 kids and my husband works shifts lol... it's chaos 'round here :bigsmile:

    The title of your post struck me since my blog is at haha... it can certainly be hard to strike a balance. Just remember, your health is very important. It's probably more important than getting all your house keeping done perfectly all the time :wink:

    Welcome to MFP... it's a great place!
  • londaknight
    londaknight Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 4, working husband, etc. It does get to you, and I found myself stress eating. I ended up gaining 35 lbs, and that was after the 10 I didn't lose after the birth of my last child. 45 lbs later, I trying to find the balance and get myself back on track. I figure, if I could gain it, I could find the time to lose it. We can keep each other motivated.
  • bbaker172
    bbaker172 Posts: 93
    Oh Oh Oh....add me!!!! I am sooooo on the same page as you guys! I work 2nd shift, so trying to get up early to exercise, get the housework done, then get myself ready for work all by 1pm is INSANE and it's driving me crazy!! I was already 20lbs overweights, well then I decided to quit smoking in January, and now that I can really taste food for the first time in 15 yrs, I packed on another 20lbs! It's now time for all of this to come off, and hopefully make some new friends in the process.