Starting over again and lost count as to how many times.



  • Chunk2206
    Chunk2206 Posts: 34
    Good luck Pam! I know it's really hard to stick with it. I am trying fitnesspal after giving up on weight watchers/slimming world etc...

    Just keep trying and remember one slip up doesn't mean you should call it quits, accept it and just try harder the next day.
  • iFattoiFit
    Hi Everyone

    I started all over again 54 Days ago, and not just with my body. I have learnt so much recently that I have setup a blog to document and share my progress.

    I'll share two of my most important lessons so far:
    1. Diets do not work, Diets are training programs on how to gain weight and feel like a failure!!
    2. If you're tired of starting over then stop giving up.

    In 49 days I have lost just over 27 lbs, that is almost 4 lbs per week. Without dieting, pills or potions.
    I still have almost 145 lbs to loose to be at my goal weight, and I intend to be at my goal weight before Christmas '12.

  • rosie1938
    rosie1938 Posts: 5
    Hi Pam. I'm Jacqui. I'm starting over again for the umpteenth time. Have a heart problem and need to diet for surgery. Need to lose about the same as you if not more. Wishing you all the luck you need. Maybe we could be friends and keep an eye on each
  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck Pam! I too am losing because of a history of diabetes in our family. I would love to have you as a fitness pal. Sending you an invitation.

    Have a fantastic day! :)
  • rkennedy54
    rkennedy54 Posts: 21
    Hi Pam,
    Just start with small goals and ask a few of the others on the board to become a "friend"(that way you can be accountable to each other). Perhaps look at signing into MFP as something on your regular to do lists every evening before bed (even if you have eaten more than you know you should have or not exercised that day). It will be a bit of up and down but if you start to see some progress in a week or so, you will be motivated to keep going.
    Hope it all goes well for you and you start to see results not only in weight loss but in lower blood sugar levels and feeling fitter and more energetic.
    Ruth x
  • illecl
    illecl Posts: 30 Member

    All it takes to succeed is to start one more time than you fail. I've been dieting since my kids were born. I must have joined some sort of diet club or new program five or six times a year for about the same number of years you have. Serious health risks like yours didn't come into play until about ten years ago. That didn't impress me enough until it got scary five years ago. I wish I could say I blew through the 100+ pounds I needed to lose in a year. But it's taken me five years to lose 82 pounds. Every day is a new day. Exercise a little more, eat a little less. One pound a week is 52 pounds a year. Dedicate an hour a day to it. You can do this! Diabetes is scary. What scared me most was the prospect of not being able to walk anymore from arthritis. I have about 30 more to go, but I exercise (retired now) a couple of hours a day. No problem with walking or arthritis pain anymore as long as I keep moving. You're staring down diabetes and risking your eyes, kidneys and heart. So go for it!

    Carol in Alabama
  • jml7403
    jml7403 Posts: 11
    I can relate to what you are going through. I just doesn't happen until you are good and ready in every fiber of your body. I will be 60 and I realized the only way I could get 'younger' again was to get heallthy. It took me 2 years to change my eating habits totally, but about 3 months ago, I finally found the correct diet combination and the weight started really coming off. I have lost 50 lbs in 3 years total, 37 of that since March. You can do it! I did alot of reading and research on healthy eating, and it has become an obsession. Good luck!
  • DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry1
    DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry1 Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck Pam. But if I may, I would like to give you one piece of advice. You wrote you have been dieting for 37 years. Well this more dieting.
    You need to change your lifestyle!!! A diet is temporary. This is permanent. You want to change your life. You want to get healthy. You want to avoid DIABETES. You was to feel good about yourself. You want to have energy.
    You can do this...You will do this. No more fads, no more diets. Change your lifestyle and empower yourself!
    Good luck...
    Friend Request me if you like
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    You can do this!

    I'm eating low-carb and low-sugar too. Here's what I've learned:

    - Realize that sugar is sugar whether from sucrose (table sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), or carbohydrates from grains; this sugar is driving your appetite by causing huge swings in your blood sugar

    - You CAN have cake--Coconut flour and Stevia are helpful substitutions in baking. Grain-free recipe sites are abundant.

    - Once you get away from the sugar-driven appetite cycle, you'll feel more in control

    Wishing you all the best! Hang in there!
  • slimsconie
    slimsconie Posts: 46
    Piece of cake. EVERYONE YOYOS, IF THEY ADMIT IT OR NOT. WE AREN'T PERFECT, WE JUST WANNA BE HEALTHY. You can do it and no one can make you DO IT BUT YOU!!!!!!

  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Pam. You can do this. It doesn't matter how many times you have to start over, as long as you keep starting over. Never give up. Try not to beat yourself up over little things that happen, just keep moving, keep thinking of what you are doing to your body and why. Clearly state to yourself the WHY. then figure out, in little steps, how you can get there. You can do it!
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Good for you Pam. This is a great place for motivation. I'm doing moderate carb and no sugar too. Health reasons for me too. After years of being overweight with no major health problems - lots of bad things cropped up this year so I had to get serious.

    Good luck!