Bikram Yoga and weight loss?

Hey Everyone...

I am still unclear on the results of Bikram Yoga and weight loss... Has anyone done Bikram Yoga (with a good diet) and has seen good results?

Please comment!


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I did it for 12 weeks once, with WW during the last 8, and lost 2 lbs. But I think it's awesome. I didn't have much to lose then. Maybe 10 lbs.
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I tried Bikram for about two months, going about three times a week. I did lose a couple pounds during this time but not any more than that. Great for flexibility though! Alas, a combination of the expense of classes and the intense urge to go home and do nothing but nap on the couch afterwards led me to stop going.

    However, the friend who introduced me to it is in slim and excellent shape and swears by it. She goes to Bikram four times a week.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Yoga is great.

    However, Yoga practiced in heat is not conducive of fitness. Goes against your bodies necessity for homeostasis and produces no real tangible health effects physiologically. It's an emotional cleans when combined with heat room practices. This sort thing belongs in the new age, spoofy catagory.

    A proponent of Yoga, fitness, healthy eating and wellness, I would not suggest one partake in something that can go against holistic health on such a rudimentary level. What's the point of yoga in such a drastic setting? The only thing your really losing is water.

    I would say try it, to say you have. But I would not put my body in unnecessary stress, nonconducive of health just because someone says they "think" it works or is cool. Plus who wants to smell hot snatch. Not me!

    While people talk about flexibility being improved in this atmosphere. I would error on caution that anything "stretch" related will produce results when regularly practiced. But to heat your body in such a way, I just don't get. Why not hatha or something more safer and not so "non science" based.

    My .02 cents
  • alanabeehave
    I did bikram religiously for a lil while, I even tried to go 30 days straight and made it to 19. I didn't understand how dangerous it was so I kinda crashed. The recovery is crucial. I drank coconut water and ate a couple dates. With sweating that much, you can only imagine how much stress your body goes through and not to mention the electrolytes lost. Also, i really hurt my neck, in Vancouver the classes are so big, the instructors cant adjust everyone. Anyhoo, off topic, I don't think I lost any weight from bikram specifically but it was a good add to my overall exercise regime. If I could go back, I would only go once or twice a week and be extremely diligent with the recovery methods (which they don't tell you about in class)
    Pros: Every class I went to, I improved a lil bit, eventually, i didnt even notice the heat. My skin was beautiful and glowing! My balance and core was stronger.
    Cons: the instructors are very, very, brash and annoying. Injuries. Exhaustion. No fat loss. Cult-like. Got repetitive=boring
  • BrendaJaneK
    Well Bikram yoga has been in wide practice since the 1970s.

    Bikram Choudhury is behind this practice that is under copy-write. He is in his mid 60s now and is a recognized Indian yoga guru who started to practice yoga when he was three. Studios all over the world have certified instructors.

    Most holistic healers will absolutely suggest yoga to you as part of a whole health regime, unless there is a physical reason why you cannot practice.

    Yes, you will loose water but you drink water as you practice. The result is detoxing your body by flushing your system. The detox comes from expelling your breath, sweating, flushing your lymph nodes and stretching and compressing your internal organs.

    In terms of weight loss, yoga is a complementary program, in my opinion, to your fitness routine. It releases stress tension by stretching muscles and helps develop toned lean muscle. it also calms the mind, again releasing stress and tension.

    There is a reason why they call it a practice... to me, you have to give it a good try to know if it's for you.

    If you enjoy it... keep going.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Its good for not only your body, but for your mind! Results may not show right away in lbs, but you'll notice it in every movement you make from now on. Especially balance and silly everyday things like tying your shoes!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think the heat is more for the meditative aspects, personally. There is a feeling of empowerment that comes from stepping out of the bustle and just focusing on such simple, consuming thoughts- the heat and the yoga- for 90 minutes. You feel like if you can do that, the rest of the day is cake.

    The studio I used most had a $100,000+ ventilation system. There was no smell. Though if you can't co-exist with the smell of other bodies, yoga in general might be a good thing to do more of.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've been doing Bikram since 2003. In my case, 30 day challenges, 60 day challenges didn't really take much weight off (maybe 5 lbs). I didn't lose weight till I changed my diet. I think that would be the case with any exercise program.

    I don't do the yoga for weight loss benefits, but there are other benefits I (arthritis, skin issues and back issues).
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Hey Everyone...

    I am still unclear on the results of Bikram Yoga and weight loss... Has anyone done Bikram Yoga (with a good diet) and has seen good results?

    Please comment!


    I've been an avid Bikram yogini for about 7 years and the only times I noticed weight loss were when I first started because I drastically changed all of my habits and when I did a 100-day challenge. I didn't drop a ton of weight with the challenge because I was already at a pretty healthy weight but my body looked AMAZING at the end! Muscle tone and definition were amazing and I was soooo calm and collected all the time, even NO ROAD RAGE which for me is a pretty bit thing, LOL!

    I've known some throughout the years that have lost weight but they were really overweight/obese and again, the yoga changes your habits instinctually. I know others that practice often (3-5x a week) and don't lose a pound. They tend to do it for their stress levels, etc. There are many benefits to practicing Bikram and also other heated yoga practices if you don't push yourself too far. My recent over twisted wrist injury pushed me over the edge and I've stopped going. We also moved pretty far from my favorite studio and there are no others nearby so I'm focusing on my home workouts now and Zumba classes that are convenient for me.

    Best of luck to you!