This you call healthy food?



  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member

    not really that healthy as far as the store bought granola goes

    MUELIX! You can make on your own or is it MUESLI something like that. Very healthy if you make it on your own
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    My mother constantly tries to convince me that fruit gummies are healthy becasue they "contain real fruit". She's always trying to give them to my son as a "healthy" snack. :grumble:
  • EliseVanca
    EliseVanca Posts: 28 Member
    I absolutely hate how Coca-Cola and the Olympics are tied together. Pisses me off. I'm pretty sure Olympic athletes don't drink pop regularly :b (hopefully)
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Nutella.... I was told "Oh it's super healthy" until I read the nutrition label and ingredients... No thank you :) I will stick with my fresh natural homemade peanut butter...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I have a friend whose wife and child drank raw milk from a local dairy. They later found out that one of the cows had rabies, and everybody who had milk from the dairy had to go in for rabies treatment (a LOT of injections). If the milk had been pasteurized, there would not have been any danger from the rabies. All pasteurization does is remove microorganisms from the milk.
    The most ridiculous thing that I hear a lot is that pasteurized milk is better & safer than raw milk. A very BIG BS!!

    I completely agree that milk should be pasteurized. HOWEVER - I make cheese which is very sensitive to milk quality. What you want is low temperature pasteurization to optimize it. 145 degrees for 20 minutes completely pastuerizes milk without destroying the protein. Flash pastueruization does it at 198 degrees for 1 second and distorts the protein and changes the taste (and you can't make cheese from it). Ultrapasteurization is higher and makes the milk undigestable to cheese and kefir bacteria.

    Standard 'organic' milk is ultrapasteurized. No nasty hormones (good) but not good proteins. Buy good local low temperature pasteurized milk if you're fussy.

    We just got back from South Africa and had to be very careful to drink only pasteurized milk because of tb and many other diseases. Raw milk/healthy cows fine. Otherwise - really, really bad.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    @ Matt Wild ,I think a tbs of nutella in a slice of whole grain bread is the same of PB jelly,and people said that's healthy!!!To me nutella is a great snack in moderation like everything!!!

    Aside from Nutella is loaded with sugar and has a tiny amount of milk and nuts in it where as peanut butter is full of omega 3's, various good fats and no added sugar (if you get the none junk versions)?

    Yeah, aside from if you ignore the facts and look at calories, yes its just the same :laugh:
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    My mother constantly tries to convince me that fruit gummies are healthy becasue they "contain real fruit". She's always trying to give them to my son as a "healthy" snack. :grumble:

    Agreed... tons of sugar and questionable additives... BTW, love the name :) I can only assume you are a gamer ;P
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Nutella.... I was told "Oh it's super healthy" until I read the nutrition label and ingredients... No thank you :) I will stick with my fresh natural homemade peanut butter...

    A friend convinced me of this right when I started MFP. I had NEVER had it before in my life. Immediately became addicted and realized it's so not healthy at all.
    It's no longer allowed in the house because I can't control myself around it. :embarassed:
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    My mother constantly tries to convince me that fruit gummies are healthy becasue they "contain real fruit". She's always trying to give them to my son as a "healthy" snack. :grumble:

    Agreed... tons of sugar and questionable additives... BTW, love the name :) I can only assume you are a gamer ;P

    :happy: How'd you guess? Lol
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    When I asked a waitress if they had anything healthy on their menu, she said yes..the fish. Which was battered and deep fried.:noway:

    To be honest - battered fish isn't actually really bad at all.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I've tried to convince my wife that Bacon must be healthy because you leave all the fat in the in pan. :bigsmile:

    I don't think she believes me yet :)
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    My mother constantly tries to convince me that fruit gummies are healthy becasue they "contain real fruit". She's always trying to give them to my son as a "healthy" snack. :grumble:

    Agreed... tons of sugar and questionable additives... BTW, love the name :) I can only assume you are a gamer ;P

    :happy: How'd you guess? Lol

    Just an educated guess :) Fan of the dragon queens, I presume :) I love that game :blushing:
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    I have a friend whose wife and child drank raw milk from a local dairy. They later found out that one of the cows had rabies, and everybody who had milk from the dairy had to go in for rabies treatment (a LOT of injections). If the milk had been pasteurized, there would not have been any danger from the rabies. All pasteurization does is remove microorganisms from the milk.
    The most ridiculous thing that I hear a lot is that pasteurized milk is better & safer than raw milk. A very BIG BS!!

    For starters, I knew that many people in here would also argue that. I'd encourage you to do some research before answering. It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick, and the owner whoever they was sold it to you.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I have a friend whose wife and child drank raw milk from a local dairy. They later found out that one of the cows had rabies, and everybody who had milk from the dairy had to go in for rabies treatment (a LOT of injections). If the milk had been pasteurized, there would not have been any danger from the rabies. All pasteurization does is remove microorganisms from the milk.
    The most ridiculous thing that I hear a lot is that pasteurized milk is better & safer than raw milk. A very BIG BS!!

    For starters, I knew that many people in here would also argue that. I'd encourage you to do some research before answering. It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick, and the owner whoever they was sold it to you.

    And its not the waiters fault that the kitchen didn't clean the plates and I got sick, but I'd still prefer my plates clean thanks
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Not sure what you mean. Of course it wasn't the milk's fault the cow had rabies. It was probably bitten by a rabid animal. The point is, the milk, being unpasteurized, could have been toxic. Had it been pasteurized, it would have been safe. What's wrong with pasteurizing milk?

    I have a friend whose wife and child drank raw milk from a local dairy. They later found out that one of the cows had rabies, and everybody who had milk from the dairy had to go in for rabies treatment (a LOT of injections). If the milk had been pasteurized, there would not have been any danger from the rabies. All pasteurization does is remove microorganisms from the milk.
    The most ridiculous thing that I hear a lot is that pasteurized milk is better & safer than raw milk. A very BIG BS!!

    For starters, I knew that many people in here would also argue that. I'd encourage you to do some research before answering. It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick, and the owner whoever they was sold it to you.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick,

    It's going to take a while to get my head around this!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick,

    It's going to take a while to get my head around this!

    Okay, then, try this...was it the cow's fault the milk was sick?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I have a friend whose wife and child drank raw milk from a local dairy. They later found out that one of the cows had rabies, and everybody who had milk from the dairy had to go in for rabies treatment (a LOT of injections). If the milk had been pasteurized, there would not have been any danger from the rabies. All pasteurization does is remove microorganisms from the milk.
    The most ridiculous thing that I hear a lot is that pasteurized milk is better & safer than raw milk. A very BIG BS!!

    For starters, I knew that many people in here would also argue that. I'd encourage you to do some research before answering. It's not milk's fault that the cow was sick, and the owner whoever they was sold it to you.

    I don't see where fault comes in to this.

    The farmer couldn't magically know that a rabid animal had got in and bitten one of his animals. If the milk had been pasteurised then it wouldn't have been an issue.

    It's like when cooking chicken - you don't leave any of it pink. The chicken probably doesn't have salmonella, but it's just not worth the risk so you cook it til there is no chance of the bug living.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    There once was a man from Liberia
    Who had a bad case of listeria
    From raw milk gone bad.
    It made him so sad
    To spend hours in the loo with diarrhea*.

    *pronounced: die-EERIE-uh
