How to keep to it?

I am 5'6" 228lbs.. Ive struggled with weight all my life.. everytime i try to lose weight i do well for about 2-3 weeks then I end up failing again... Im trying to make a lifestyle change.. I get so unhappy with myself.. I want to feel better about myself. I was recently engaged and am starting to plan for a wedding.. I have about a year and a half until I have to buy a dress. I would really love to be able to be the size I am wanting. How have you stuck to the progam? what kept you motivated?


  • motivationalwellbeing
    I think one thing that would help a lot is to shift from a short term mentality to a life long mentality. Many people go on diets or fitness programs with the intent of doing it for a set amount of time. What happens is that they tend to do things that just aren't sustainable and once they slip, they get discouraged and quit all together.

    A better approach, in my opinion, is to choose a diet and exercise regimen you can easily see yourself sticking with for the next 5 years. Basically, start out small. If hitting the gym 5 times a week is too overwhelming, then commit to 3 or 2 or 1, or even 20 minutes of aerobics at home. As for food, if you can't live with a certain type of food, then instead of just never eating it and feeling deprived, just limit it down to once every week or two.

    The bottom line is to choose a plan that you can actually see yourself sticking with for the next few years. What you will most likely find out is that once you've stuck with the easy change for a while, adding onto your work outs and eliminating more bad foods will be a lot easier. Some people can make a complete 180 degree change in their eating and work out habits and stick with it but if you've found that this doesn't work for you, make gradual changes instead.

    The results won't come as fast but since you'll be a lot more likely to stick with the new changes, you'll win out in the long run. There are a lot of other things that can help as well but I think this is one of the most important.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member

    First and foremost, I hear you - we have very similar starting weights.

    Secondly, motivationalwellbeing said it FAR better than I ever could.

    Banish the diet concept, banish the ideas of 'should', 'being good', 'can't'. This is a lifestyle choice - it's all well and good dropping the pounds by eating nothing but chicken breasts for a few months, but it's not sustainable in the long-term. A lifestyle change is the longest-term choice you'll ever make!

    I had a mantra of 'slow and steady wins the race', and I still apply it now. Baby steps; celebrate the small achievements; and never be too hard on yourself. Pick yourself up every time. Falling off the wagon is no excuse to stay off.

    It can be done, I promise you. Well done on the first steps, the rest of it starts here :)