Determined to give it a red hot go!

Hi guys!

My name is Jessica, I'm 26 next week and I'm determined not to spend the rest of my life like this... obese.

In fact, I'm super scared of waking up at 45 and thinking of all the things I've missed by being overweight.

I've "tried" to lose weight before. I guess it's a word we throw around a bit. How hard have I really tried? Probably not very hard!

So here I am :) Determined that My Fitness Pal is the way to go. Just eating well, allowing myself to have some cheats if I know I have to make up for it by exercise or eating strictly the rest of the day, and getting my body moving 3-5 times a week. Oh and lots of water! I think the formula is simple.... sticking to it is the hard part.

It would be a lot easier to do it if I had some buddies along the way. Hoping to make MFP my new Facebook. Haha!

43 kgs (95 lbs) to lose.... BRING IT ON!!


  • Sounds like I write this post lol except I jua turned 27 and had twins.
  • Would love to be a help to you on your way to your goal and would welcome support as I strive for mine!
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind to so good luck and hope you have a great day.
  • anatee1
    anatee1 Posts: 20
    MFP has become my new facebook!
    I love the people on here, theyre very supporting!

    You should have fun on here! Go for long walks if you feel like you've cheated and be sure to note it down aswell!
    You can eat whatever you want too (which is the good thing) just the portions should be cut down from what you usually have in order for it to work! You don't even need to excercise as much if you cut your portions! MFP is amazing and is now my new life (counting calories , *fun*) LOL, although it truly is! I lost 2 pounds in a week and im super happy about it! I can't wait to lose more!! Have fun and try your hardest! I understand where your coming from and it is tough! Ive been on here for a week and wouldve failed by now! but im motivated and happy atm!
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62

    Welcome and good luck with your goals, im pretty new on here aswell, being here nearly 2 weeks. Everyone on here is great and its good that there are people from all over the world you can talk to and get support from, at the end of the day we are all striving towards the same goal.

    Keep Smiling :)
