Feeling really demotivated - what am I doing wrong?

I weighed in this morning and I'm back up to only 1kg away from where I started 5 weeks ago. It has totally demotivated me, as I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. I had lost nearly 4kg (8lbs), but now all that effort seems wasted. All that loss seemed to be in the first 3 weeks, and at my last 2 weigh-ins I've lost next to nothing.

I'm eating between 1300-1500 cals a day, doing c25k 3 times a week and swimming once a week but the scale is hardly moving! I've taken measurements too - only lost 2 inches off my hips and 1/2 inch of my thigh.

I would be really grateful if anyone could have a look at my diary, it is open, I'm just really confused :s

Another thing getting me down today is next weekend I'm going to a BBQ with my boyfriend's friends, and he told me yesterday that the house has a pool and everyone will be going for a swim...this terrified me! I don't mind getting in to a swim suit at the pool to exercise where no one knows me but I hate the idea of wobbling around in front of all his mates! I'm already 'the fat girlfriend' and i don't want to embarrass myself, or him.

Maybe I am being too impatient with my loss but seeing that gain on the scales this morning has me really discouraged. I just can't pin point what I'm doing wrong.


  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Having this too so I'm no expert - however scanning a couple of days you been going over your calorie allowance and only 3 glasses of water.

    Good luck try not to lose heart sure with our MFP buddies we can (both) get back on track
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You have averaged over 1lb a week, which is great! It's just a natural daily fluctuation. Our weight always goes up and down, you just happened to catch it on an "up" day. Bet it will drop later in the week and you will continue to see a downward trend.

    Don't panic about the pool party, you look great. Use it as an excuse to buy yourself a glamorous, flattering swimsuit!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    the only thing I can see that you're doing wrong is expecting "Biggest Loser" results from a simple, sustainable lifestyle change. 4kg in 5 weeks is actually a big drop, above average!

    Don't be discouraged, even though sometimes it's difficult. You're doing really fantastic things for your body. You're being mindful and you're working out. These are wonderful things. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to why that scale isn't budging and it NEVER goes as quickly as we like but just keep it up and keep at it. I didn't start seeing real, steady results until I was with MFP for 8 weeks even though I was following the guideleines to a "T".

    as far as the bbq goes. I've been in that similar situation and I was just as nervous as you seem to be. In the end I decided I was amongst my friends who love me regardless, and ended up having a great time, wobbly bits and all. If it's something you really dread, then just don't swim and lounge at the side with just your feet in. Then you still get to be part of the fun but without making yourself feel self conscious.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I had lost nearly 4kg (8lbs), but now all that effort seems wasted. All that loss seemed to be in the first 3 weeks, and at my last 2 weigh-ins I've lost next to nothing.
    Are you kidding? Seriously, are you kidding? 8lbs gone in three weeks and you maintained for two - and you arent happy? That is an average 1.6lbs lost each week if you do the math.

    I'm eating between 1300-1500 cals a day, doing c25k 3 times a week and swimming once a week but the scale is hardly moving! I've taken measurements too - only lost 2 inches off my hips and 1/2 inch of my thigh.
    Again, are you serious? You lost 2 inches off the hips and another 1/2 inch from the thighs... Why the bloody hell are you not excited about this?
    Maybe I am being too impatient with my loss but seeing that gain on the scales this morning has me really discouraged. I just can't pin point what I'm doing wrong.
    ******grabs the scale and chucks it out the window.

    First things first - at the rate you keep stressing, your body will develop cortisol - a hormone responsible for putting that weight back on you. So... stop......stressing.

    If you dont start celebrating all losses whether its by clothing size, or measuring, you will ultimately be the reason why you fail: because you are willingly getting all worked up over the wrong reasons.

    Youre not being inpatient, I wont say what I think because it could be construed as attacking you... what I will say though is that you have to stop obsessing over the damn scale - thats just sheer rediculous. Throw it out the window and stop relying on technology that doesnt take into consideration that weight fluctuates...give your mind a sanity a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you worked out prior to getting on the scale (within the last 8-12hrs), its obvious that its water-related from working out. I dont know why people keep using the scale - it is never, never, never accurate - ever.

    "Accurate" would be measuring your body and tracking it. "Accurate" would be having appropriate testing from a healthcare facility (trust me, its expensive and not worth it), "Accurate" would be that goal outfit you have been trying to fit in and the more and more room you have the more motivated you should be come by it.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I had lost nearly 4kg (8lbs), but now all that effort seems wasted. All that loss seemed to be in the first 3 weeks, and at my last 2 weigh-ins I've lost next to nothing.
    Are you kidding? Seriously, are you kidding? 8lbs gone in three weeks and you maintained for two - and you arent happy? That is an average 1.6lbs lost each week if you do the math.

    I'm eating between 1300-1500 cals a day, doing c25k 3 times a week and swimming once a week but the scale is hardly moving! I've taken measurements too - only lost 2 inches off my hips and 1/2 inch of my thigh.
    Again, are you serious? You lost 2 inches off the hips and another 1/2 inch from the thighs... Why the bloody hell are you not excited about this?
    Maybe I am being too impatient with my loss but seeing that gain on the scales this morning has me really discouraged. I just can't pin point what I'm doing wrong.
    ******grabs the scale and chucks it out the window.

    First things first - at the rate you keep stressing, your body will develop cortisol - a hormone responsible for putting that weight back on you. So... stop......stressing.

    If you dont start celebrating all losses whether its by clothing size, or measuring, you will ultimately be the reason why you fail: because you are willingly getting all worked up over the wrong reasons.

    Youre not being inpatient, I wont say what I think because it could be construed as attacking you... what I will say though is that you have to stop obsessing over the damn scale - thats just sheer rediculous. Throw it out the window and stop relying on technology that doesnt take into consideration that weight fluctuates...give your mind a sanity a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you worked out prior to getting on the scale (within the last 8-12hrs), its obvious that its water-related from working out. I dont know why people keep using the scale - it is never, never, never accurate - ever.

    "Accurate" would be measuring your body and tracking it. "Accurate" would be having appropriate testing from a healthcare facility (trust me, its expensive and not worth it), "Accurate" would be that goal outfit you have been trying to fit in and the more and more room you have the more motivated you should be come by it.

    i am in 100 % agreement!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    You have averaged over 1lb a week, which is great! It's just a natural daily fluctuation. Our weight always goes up and down, you just happened to catch it on an "up" day. Bet it will drop later in the week and you will continue to see a downward trend.

    Don't panic about the pool party, you look great. Use it as an excuse to buy yourself a glamorous, flattering swimsuit!

    Great advice from BerryH here. I'd just add:

    Pool Party? near Manchester? in a weeks time? Maybe a killer swimsuit.. maybe a pair of wellies and an umbrella. Lol.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for all the replies - you are all totally right, I should get my head in gear and celebrate what I've already achieved instead of getting frustrated at those damn scales! Don't think I'm going to chuck them away just yet but I am definitely going to stop weighing as often. I guess daily fluctuations don't reflect anything real - this is a journey - slow and steady!

    Aperture-Science - the party is in Kent somewhere but will be taking the wellies as well!

    cramernh - I am quite a stressy person unfortunately but I didn't realise the effect cortisol can have like that. I'll try to keep myself in check but (i don't want to sound like i'm making excuses here) unfortunately life is rather stressful at the moment (a family member is having quite serious health problems). Also you're right about having a more accurate goal - I definitely have an outfit I want to fit in to so might get it out of the wardrobe and hang it up somewhere - so my goal is less-scale orientated!

    Thank you for your honesty, I am the type of person who appreciates honesty much more than someone trying to be 'nice'! Even if it seems harsh, I'd rather hear what you have to say as I can see from your ticker than your journey is going well! If you want to PM me rather than post in here that's fine.

    As for the bbq, I think I will take my swim suit and just see how I feel on the day - I don't think people seeing my wobbly bits would be as bad as not being able to join in the party!
  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    If you aren't drinking enough water you will definitely retain it. I can give you an example. I had lost a nice amount of weight. I ended up in hospital with kidney stones. I was nil by mouth and put on a drip. The drip contained a saline solution which I believe is just salt and water. I gained 7lbs in 3 days! When I came home I drank lots of water and lost that 7lbs within a week.

    There are so many benefits to drinking water. Not only does it keep you hydrated and stop you from retaining water, it also makes your skin lovely!

    I drink tons of water every day. I buy the 50cl bottles and keep it next to me all the time. I wee for England mind you, but its worth it to know I am giving my body what it needs.

    Try drinking more water and see if that makes a difference to your weight. I'm willing to put money on it that its water retention.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Thanks for clarification on location :smile:

    Everyone has a few body hang ups, get a killer bathing suit, some great accessories and have a great party!