Had twins.. Need help.

I had twins 3 months ago , it killed my body . I know all the weight gain was my fault but I literally disgust myself . I'm ready fr a change and I would love rove to have some friends on here to motivate me . I've always agreed when u have support u can get more done . I will admit that my will power sucks and I could use some advice so add me as a friend is you want to help or need me to help cause ur in the same boat :)


  • Hey Hey Hey :)

    I don't have kids but my best friend had twins 7 months ago and she was really struggling also.

    She discovered they love watching the WII Fit on screen which means she gets a workout too.

    You CAN do this xx
  • Haha that sounds great ,I had 3 month early preemies. Soooo they basically ..mentally.... Was jus born . I've got to do it during their naps lol. I have a wii but never bought the fitness ... I might try it .
  • Hi Ashley

    Congratulation on the birth of your twins, that is really wonderful!

    I would like to share with you a thing or two I just recently learnt on my weight loss journey!
    Weight loss has actually very little to do with food or nutrition. The first step to stressful weight loss is what I have come to lean as the platinum rule, " Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you" by that I mean what would you do if someone else insults you like you insult yourself ? I can send you a small exercise that will help you with that.

    Check out Veronica's weight loss blog she very popular http://ronisweigh.com/
    and my most inspirational blog is http://lauramustloseweight.com

    Best Wishes
  • hi,
    i know exactly what yr going through, i have twin boys also. they are 6 and i have to say it is very hard work indeed. the best advice i can give you is take it easy, dont try and do everything ,sleep when the boys do, and try and get into a routine if you can x feel free to message me and i will try and help if i can . joanne x
  • HI!! I have 2 year old twins who were born at 29 weeks :) It took me 5 months to lose the baby weight, but it changed my body so much that I am now trying to lose much more. It's definitely a struggle, I know how little extra time you have. My body changed with the girls as they grew. Before they could walk, my arms were SO buff from lifting them all the time! Once they started walking I dropped more weight from chasing them! I will send you a friend request!
  • hedo2
    hedo2 Posts: 3
    Hey! I had twins 5 months ago and it destroyed my body too. I'm a bit tall, 5' 10" but I still got really big. I carried them full term to 38 weeks so needless I was pretty big. But I knew I wanted to lose the weight and I pushed myself hard. I work out everyday when they nap or early in the morning. I am down to 145! The smallest I've been since having kids! You can do it there is hope! I got a trainer and a great workout plan I could do from home. My stomached will never be the same, but I am telling you I feel fantastic. You can do it! Good luck!