That's it! I'm doing this!!!

So I just hit the 30lb mark GAINED! I just can't believe it, I could just cry! I just don't understand it, I work out 5x a week!!! I definitly don't eat the right foods and I over eat constantly but to gain 30 lbs is a bit rediculas and down right embarrassing!!! Ok so I can't say I'm a newbie because I've had this ap on my phone for probably a year. I've filled out all the info with all intentions to start tracking my diet, but never took the effort to actually DO IT. Well now I am! I just need some HELP and MOTIVATION!!! Im so sure now but when I'm having sugar withdrawals at 10pm tonight (the time I usually have my giant bowl of whatever sugary cereal I have) I won't be as strong!


  • Welcome! I feel the same as you and am literally on DAY ONE today. :)
  • So glad I'm not alone! All my friends are super thin, so I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to :(
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Here there are more than enough of us! Good luck on your new journey and know that we are all here all the way!
  • hi im on day one too! got 20 pounds to shift , we can do it! x:smile:
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    Yup, Day one here as well! I am more than motivated today! I know the same won't be said for tonight, I'll be craving snacks!
    Just have to think ahead and hope I can stick to it!
  • mohedron
    mohedron Posts: 1
    Yep day one for me too. Doing a 10 week challenge as it has all gotten out of control. Need to get my life back in control. Wanting/needing to lose about 15kg. Had a fantastic work out this morning thanks to my new ABBBC session class and thoroughly enjoyed it. 3 sessions a week along with a clean eating plan. Its gonna happen for me this time. To all of you that are determined to get where you want to be in life-YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Good luck to each and everyone of you, and enjoy the journey. Don't see it as a chore. :happy:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    So I just hit the 30lb mark GAINED! I just can't believe it, I could just cry! I just don't understand it, I work out 5x a week!!! I definitly don't eat the right foods and I over eat constantly but to gain 30 lbs is a bit rediculas and down right embarrassing!!! Ok so I can't say I'm a newbie because I've had this ap on my phone for probably a year. I've filled out all the info with all intentions to start tracking my diet, but never took the effort to actually DO IT. Well now I am! I just need some HELP and MOTIVATION!!! Im so sure now but when I'm having sugar withdrawals at 10pm tonight (the time I usually have my giant bowl of whatever sugary cereal I have) I won't be as strong!

    30 lbs is what I gained too! After I went through chemo for breast cancer, along with 5 months of steroids that they give you, and eating everything in sight to stay healthy, I gained the 30 lbs back that I lost last summer. I'm having a HORRIBLE time getting it off...mostly due to those before bed sugary cravings...mine is ice cream. I just started on Saturday to reallly buckle down. I'm following the 17-day Diet book which helped me last year and have lost 2 lbs in 2 days so am hoping I'm on the right track. Basically all I've done is cut out the sugar except for my two fruit portions a day and whatever natural sugar comes in veggies, etc.

    Anyway, I've been trying and failing and really want to be healthy again. I'm hoping the support of everyone on this site and tracking my food will get me there. Good Luck!!! Hoping to find some great tips, motivation and friends on here along the journey!
  • anahita84
    anahita84 Posts: 44
    Thank you so much for the add... We can do this together. Let's take one day at a time :)

    I think when you track what you eat you are WAY more aware of your body and tend not to over eat! SO track everything!

    I too, am starting this adventure today! I have never been very serious about losing weight but after recent family members going through many health problems, I have been inspired to get real about losing the extra weight and to KEEP it off! I am excited to see where I can go if I just stick to it and I wish the best of luck to everyone out there doing the same!!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!! :)
  • @OConnell5483

    You fought off cancer and are doing this?? You go girl!! Such and inspiration and I wish you the best of luck!! :)
  • gallerygirl21
    gallerygirl21 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! I am here for day 1, too. Ideally I'd like to lose 25 lbs, but am starting with a smaller goal of 10. Good luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    GOOD LUCK!! there are a lot of things out there to help you lose weight. track every food and drink you consume.

    something that i like to recommend for people to do is to find a race or competition to prepare for. it is, in my opinion, a better goal than "being bikini ready by august!" or "fit in that little black dress."

    so if you can't run and you want to be a runner, well, sign up for a Thanksgiving 5k Turkey Trot, and you have a little over four months to train.
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    Being overweight is hard.

    Losing weight is hard.

    Maintaining weight is hard.

    Choose your hard.

    A year from now time will have passed and what you do today will make all the difference then.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Luck, and maybe you can help me also! :)
  • Ok so I'm not alone!! Yippee! Ok if you can beat cancer you can sooo beat 30lbs! Good luck to head down to the kitchen to find some breakfast! I don't usually ever eat breakfast but that's one of many things that are changing today!
  • Kelstyr
    Kelstyr Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all,

    I too am on day one. Well I too have had the app and begun several times but then after a couple days I stop. or I eat something I cant figure out how to track ( or don't want to) so I stop. I am going to try to really watch my eat enough to be healthy but no more......sooooo very little carbs is my plan as I am also diabetic.

    I always skipped breakfast too. I was ravenous though by lunch and where I work we have no cafeteria so many order out. They order everything from pizzas to chinese to burgers to subs. I am not doing that anymore either... My plan is to plan ahead. Bring every few hours (a little bit) and so never really hungery nor full.

    I seem to impulsively carb out til I am soo full feeling. I grew up eating casseroles. So I am a pasta and rice junkie. Not good for a diabetic!!

    So with you. I AM DOING THIS!!! :smile:

    I will need a few buddies, some support..some meal ideas....
    This morning I brought a carton of egg beaters (southwestern) and a package of mushrooms. I nuked 1/2 c egg and tossed in a bunch of the shrooms..and had that with a greek plain yogurt...

    I love veggies, I just need to eat a ton of them with every meal.

    I want to loose 50 pounds, but am setting my first goal at 10. Then I will go for another 10.

    Is there a buddy list or some way that people can be support for one another? Or do we just follow the bullitain board?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Good luck.

    As an FYI, I have a bowl of cereal almost every night before I go to bed.

    I leave calories in my day for it.

    You don't need to deny yourself. You just need to moderate yourself.
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    Same here, day 1, although had the app for ages! Going to use the community a lot more to get support, I think it's great!
    Will send you a friend request :)

    Good luck, we can do it!
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    I'm right there with you!!! Been using MFP for about 7 months (on and off) and within the last week or two I've gained back everything I've lost since January. Very depressing. So today I decided - THAT'S IT!

    I'm 5'4" - 159lbs - with a goal weight of 135.

    Lets get this done!
  • MissTammie77
    MissTammie77 Posts: 18 Member
    you can do it! i lost 6 pounds in my first week. im looking for new friends to motivate me as i do find my will power starts to flag about 3pm onwards so if any of you want to add me as a friend please do and we can all motivate each other :) xx