Jumping on the scales

I am putting my scales up in the loft, only to be takn down once a week......

Is anyone else a compulsive weigher?

Every single day I get up and I weigh myself.. stop it!!

why should that matter, well for example, if I start my diet on a Monday, I'm really good all week and the results are starting to show, going by the scales, and when Saturday morning comes, woo hoo I have done amazing this week I will treat myself to a lovely sweet or 2.. then I fall off the wagon for the entire weekend and by the time actual weigh day comes round I have put back on everything I lost that week...

does anyone else do the same?


  • bakercj13
    bakercj13 Posts: 26 Member
    I have been obssessed with the scale and then don't touch it but for once a week weigh in. It depends on my mood... But now I weigh in on a Tyesday and Friday. This way I can see how or if the weekend effected me and I can see what I am before the weekend begins. I like to see that I am making progress but I found wighing myself too frequently will show almost no movement and when I do lose I would be disappointed it wasn't more. There are many factors why one week you lose .5 of a pound and the next week you lose 2 pounds.

    Try twice a week and see how that works for you? But don't give up, if you are being true to the eating and exercising it will all come off in time! Keep up the great work and you will hit your goals!
  • sara6442
    sara6442 Posts: 9 Member
    right going to try the twice a week same as you before and after the weekend, that should help.. Thanks for your help.