Long road ahead of me, about 150 to lose

Hi, My name is Tia! I just joined MFP yesterday and so far I love how it is keeping me motivated! I am working hard to lose about 150lbs and would love to add some new friends on here so that we can help to support eachother! Here is a little backround about how I got to where I am.

I have been overweight since I was 12 but it was never anything too bad, it wasn't until I had my daughter then had a series of medical problems following that I gained about 100lbs! 6 weeks after I had her I had to have my gallbladder removed, and almost instantly gained 20lbs. I was at a steady weight until about 2 years ago when I started having very bad problems with Endometriosis. They put me on different medications for cronic pain and different medicine that changed my hormone level, that on top of having surgery every 3 months I gained about 80lbs and I just want it GONE! In Jan. I finally had a full hysterectomy and I couldn't be happier about that choice! It was hard because I was only 24 but I am pain free and now I am just ready to be all around healthy! I would love to hear from anyone on a weight loss journey, especially other woman who have/are dealing with hormonal changes. I would love to know how the changes effected your weight loss. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me and my story, I hope to hear other peoples storys. :)