


  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I drink tea every single day and I'm all about stevia. Honey if I'm sick or have allergies.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I don't see the need to cut out sweetness from your tea. Drink it how you like, at least your not drinking soda or sugary juices. How do you drink your tea? With honey or sugar? I like my tea and coffee different ways. Green tea- hot, no sugar. Black tea or other herbal teas-, I always add honey and 9/10 times I add a squeeze of lemon. I never add sugar to my tea, I like the way the honey flavors it. Iced tea, I like unsweetened with lemon. I'm the same with coffee, hot I like sweetened, and cold I like unsweet. If you really want to cut out the sugar or honey from your tea, try it over ice, you may like it that way.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Oooohh Tea, how I love thee....

    Take my unsweetened with extra lime.

    People ask "Why lime and not lemon?" Honestly it started simply as a way to avoid sucking the seeds of lemons up a straw and now I just like is better.
  • mangohead100
    try teas with cinnamon or licorice. they have a natural sweetness. also, fruit tisanes (herbal teas) are great.
    you will get used to tea without any sweetener. i gave up adding any sweetener to my herbal teas years ago and the teas taste great on their own.
  • tla_Godsgirl
    I use stevia in my coffee and tea now and I really enjoy it.The sweetness is different than sugar so a little goes a long way. I feel safer with stevia than other sweetners since it is created from a plant and not a lab-but still I caution on over use
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    Giving up TEA of all things is totally ridiculous. Cut back on the sugar if you must (I don't know how much sugar you could possibly be using, but I don't see a serious need to make replacements with the kind of sweetener you use, save for switching to something less processed), but DO NOOOOOT feel like just because you're dieting you need to give up sweetended tea--it isn't like packaged juice or sodas, after all. I drink a glass of wine or two most nights, which can add up for 200 calories a day, but I factor it in and am usually still under my calorie goal (1200 per day) while still getting all of my vitamins.

    You have to work to find a balance, in my opinion, especially when what you're giving up isn't really that bad for you. Just drink it moderately.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I'm a tea fiend and I drink it with stevia. I try to eat a little something with it though (today I had some 70 calorie blueberries) so my blood sugar doesn't spike. Love love love tea I could write songs about my adoration for tea. :)