Starvation Mode: How can I avoid it?

Cedura Posts: 184 Member
I have been using MFP for about a month and for the first bit I was doing pretty good with my calorie intake and exercise, only having a few Calories at the end of the day left.
Now I am finishing a day only having eaten like 800-900 calories on days when I don't exercise and on days when I do, my net intake is still well under 1200.
The site keeps telling me I going to go into starvation mode, and from my understanding this is deffinetly not a good thing.
I am not hungry at the end of the day though, even when I have only consumed 600 cals for the day. Should I be making myself eat more? Or should I just find one Super high calorie food to even things out?
I obviously do not want to go into starvation mode, but I also do not feel like i am starving myself since I am full.
Anyone have suggestions for what works for them?


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    So, I am looking at your diary and not seeing these 800-900 calorie days of which you speak.

    However, if you are having issues meeting your calorie goals, then you can find nutritious, calorically dense foods to add to your diet easily. Things like nuts and nut butters, olive oil, avocados, full fat dairy, etc.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    not sure what you weigh, but if you're still 'fat' you don't need to worry.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't worry about net intake--I just make sure I have a minimum of 1200 calories. I eat back the exercise calories when I want them or feel hungry. On the rare days where I'm not hungry, I don't worry about reaching 1200, but that's because it rarely happens. I don't worry about exercise calories because I know I will have days where I go over, and then there is some balance to the ebbs and flows of life and my body. Make sure you eat at least what MFP has told you to the vast majority of the time.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    lol starvation mode is about the same as deciding to run naked with friends at midnight only when told by locals theres a masked killer on the loose , its just there for entertainment
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Ok thanks everyone. Im much less worried now :)
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    To be honest, I would be far more concerned with your sodium and sugar consumption than with starvation mode. Is there any chance you could get some more whole foods into your diet?

    I find that if I take a day to cook up some chicken, or other protein, and roast up some veggies, I can grab and go the rest of the week with less time than driving though a drive-thru. Hard boil some eggs. Heck, even some cheese sticks would be better than some of the choices you're making.

    Please know I am not trying to be mean. You look very young. All of that sugar and sodium has the potential to cause some major health issues down the road. Not to mention adding to your weight right now.

    ETA: I just read your profile. With your history, you really need to try to eat cleaner. It takes a little planning, but in the long run I really do find it faster...and cheaper. Check out the recipe section here. Or look at some sites like and skinnytaste (I think that's the name) Or just google clean versions of your favorite foods.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It seems like you're mostly good. The closest thing I've seen to "starvation mode" is that if you lose weight by eating too few calories, you'll gain weight back easier if you try to eat more after you get to your goal. Even that isn't 100%, since you could probably just up your calories slowly to adjust for it.

    Personal experience - went from 220 lbs to 120 in 7 months, eating 700 calories a day (not net, I walked 3 to 6 miles a day). After that I gained weight if I tried to eat the minimum 1200 a day. It took time and some weight gain (up to 140) to get things back to normal, but I still seem to gain really easy. I'm 5'4" so 120 wasn't even a low weight for me.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Eat enough nutritious food calories to refuel and rebuild your muscles and also to supply all your organs with their needed water, and other vitamins and minerals to make your body work the way it is supposed to. Worrying about excess fat will be a thing of the past;) denise
    I have been using MFP for about a month and for the first bit I was doing pretty good with my calorie intake and exercise, only having a few Calories at the end of the day left.
    Now I am finishing a day only having eaten like 800-900 calories on days when I don't exercise and on days when I do, my net intake is still well under 1200.
    The site keeps telling me I going to go into starvation mode, and from my understanding this is deffinetly not a good thing.
    I am not hungry at the end of the day though, even when I have only consumed 600 cals for the day. Should I be making myself eat more? Or should I just find one Super high calorie food to even things out?
    I obviously do not want to go into starvation mode, but I also do not feel like i am starving myself since I am full.
    Anyone have suggestions for what works for them?
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Your calorie intake in your diary looks fine (I don't see very many 800-900 days either) and most days from what I see you are right on track between 1200-1400. That is usually where you should be to NOT be in starvation mode. From what I can see, keep doing what you are doing and the results will happen.