Insanity vs 30 Day Shred



  • trudence1
    trudence1 Posts: 34

    This. 30DS really is a beginner program. There are ways of modifying it to suit higher fitness levels, but the type of workouts you do in this (and most Jillian programs) isn't really challenging enough for someone who is actually capable of completing a full round of Insanity. They're two completely different programs aimed at two completely different fitness levels.

    One thing to bear in mind also is that Insanity is based on real athletic training while 30DS is more or less based on circuit training workouts that alter your body composition (burn fat, improve muscle tone) without necessarily improving athletic performance. It's aimed at women whose main driving motivation is to look better in a bikini. Not complete a 5k, not improve their strength, not improve their sport performance, just look better in that bikini.
    I agree with this.
    I went to YouTube and previewed both when trying to decide what to go with, and decided there was no way that I could do Insanity with the shape at which I was starting. I was even able to try the 30 Day Shred using YouTube. I went ahead and bought 30DS, even though all levels are on YouTube, because it froze so much on my computer.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've done 30DS & I'm on day 3 of Insanity. I would suggest Insanity becuase its more high impact. The sessions are longer, but you burn more calories. I think that I will get a better result with this program; although, 30DS & RI30 are great dvd's to have in your collection.

    High impact is not necessarily a good thing. Your knees while agree with me, here.

    My knees are fine.. Haven't had a problem in the year I've been doing this. Good shoes/support are key :drinker:

    Trust me it won't be enough in the long run. High impact work in general is something that should be kept to a minimum because no matter how you slice it you are shortening the life of your knees.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    One thing I have to add is that you're going to find a lot of Jillian fans talk about 30DS and RI30 like they're the end-all-be-all of workouts. My favorite are the ones who refer to 30DS as "The Shred" because it makes it sound SO much harder than it really is. You can tell who the people who never have set foot in a gym and only do their workouts at home are...
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    From reading in this forum, you'd think those are the only two workout DVDs available. There are thousands of others, by really great instructors.

    Beachbody engages in questionable practices and JM has virtually no fitness credentials. I would shy away from their products.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I think it depends on what you want.

    I did 30 Day Shred and liked it (I lost 19.25 total inches - 2-3 inches off of everything). I find Insanity too intense and too high impact for my liking -- I can do it, but I just hate it. Sure, I burn a ton more calories doing it -- but I also do it far less frequently than I do something like 30DS or RI30 because I need a longer recovery period, so it evens out in the end anyway.

    I can tell you for certain that my stamina improved with 30DS, I feel stronger, and that I lost inches. I'm certainly not ready to compete in competitive sports, but I'm totally cool with that.

    If you're goal is to be athletic machine and you're reasonably in shape now -- I think Insanity is probably the way to go. If you're just starting out, hate high impact, or just want to lose some inches all over -- 30 DS is the way to go.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I've done 30DS & I'm on day 3 of Insanity. I would suggest Insanity becuase its more high impact. The sessions are longer, but you burn more calories. I think that I will get a better result with this program; although, 30DS & RI30 are great dvd's to have in your collection.

    High impact is not necessarily a good thing. Your knees while agree with me, here.

    My knees are fine.. Haven't had a problem in the year I've been doing this. Good shoes/support are key :drinker:

    Trust me it won't be enough in the long run. High impact work in general is something that should be kept to a minimum because no matter how you slice it you are shortening the life of your knees.

    Your comments are appriciated :) However, I know what I'm doing. Thanks again.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    From reading in this forum, you'd think those are the only two workout DVDs available. There are thousands of others, by really great instructors.

    Beachbody engages in questionable practices and JM has virtually no fitness credentials. I would shy away from their products.

  • Bizeebec150
    Insanity is going to give you a sweat filled hard core workout in 40 minutes including a full stretch at the beginning and end.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Beachbody engages in questionable practices

    Please explain.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Beachbody engages in questionable practices

    Please explain.

    They're an MLM. Most positive reviews you find on the internet of their products are by Beachbody coaches trying to make commission. Their supplements and the equipment the sell are actually produced by other companies and resold by Beachbody at a higher premium. It used to not be as bad as it is now, but ever since they brough out Shakeology and now their Reset detox thingie it's gotten out of hand.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    One thing I have to add is that you're going to find a lot of Jillian fans talk about 30DS and RI30 like they're the end-all-be-all of workouts. My favorite are the ones who refer to 30DS as "The Shred" because it makes it sound SO much harder than it really is. You can tell who the people who never have set foot in a gym and only do their workouts at home are...
    Wow! I'm not sure where all this JM hate is stemming from....

    Anyway, I did 2 rounds of P90x and I found JM videos (not just 30DS) to be far better in terms of time spent and results (30DS is only 20 minutes and can easily be completed before work). Insanity, like P90x is also a Beachbody product but of course it is a much higher intensity cardio workout than P90x or "the shred". I can't speak to Insanity because I haven't done it yet but I have read good things about it. Insanity is something I will likely add to my collection eventually. So I can only speak to JM videos. It all depends on what you want. Despite what the poster above (who I quoted) said in a previous post, it is not just for "women who want to look good in a bikini" how absolutely condescending and mean spirited. The shred is an excellent workout. It is a 20 minute workout so of course it is not the be all end all if you are a professional weightlifter or marathon runner! It is an effective way to start working out for those who haven't worked out in a while or as a good 30 day workout to roll in at any time for the more advanced. It's a good overall body workout and most importantly it is easy to fit into a busy schedule. You can always do the 30DS and also go on a 10 mile run if you feel so inclined. If you fear the shred is going to be too easy but you want to stick with JM I recommend NMTZ and BFBM these 2 videos will kick your butt regardless of fitness level.

    I think Insanity is likely a killer workout too so if you feel motivated then go for it. So Insanity is excellent but 30DS is also excellent each for what they are. 30DS is 20 minutes of circuit training and Insanity is a cardio workout that is twice as long----obviously if you workout at a high intensity for double the time you will have a better calorie burn. These two are not the same thing but I don't see the need to criticize 30DS shred because you like what Insanity has to offer (or to insult women for that matter, yeah I'm talking to you).
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Beachbody engages in questionable practices

    Please explain.

    They claim that when you buy their DVDs you agree to never sell them. Not copies, mind you, your originals. So if you put them up on ebay they can go after you. They also use a pyramid scheme (AKA multi-level marketing) to sell supplements. People make money by getting suckers beneath them to sign up to sell shakes, and so on, and so on. They also practice discriminatory pricing. Buy a DVD set, call them up and say you want to return them because they're overpriced, and they will ask you if you'll keep them for half price.

    Jillian's only fitness cert is an honorary one at some org. she taught a course for. As far as I know, she's never taken a single fitness or nutrition course. She also lets her name be put on 'fat burner' supplements, which she knows full well are BS.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Beachbody engages in questionable practices

    Please explain.

    They're an MLM. Most positive reviews you find on the internet of their products are by Beachbody coaches trying to make commission. Their supplements and the equipment the sell are actually produced by other companies and resold by Beachbody at a higher premium. It used to not be as bad as it is now, but ever since they brough out Shakeology and now their Reset detox thingie it's gotten out of hand.

    Thank you. I hadn't realized the Shakeology connection.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    One thing I have to add is that you're going to find a lot of Jillian fans talk about 30DS and RI30 like they're the end-all-be-all of workouts. My favorite are the ones who refer to 30DS as "The Shred" because it makes it sound SO much harder than it really is. You can tell who the people who never have set foot in a gym and only do their workouts at home are...
    Wow! I'm not sure where all this JM hate is stemming from....

    Anyway, I did 2 rounds of P90x and I found JM videos (not just 30DS) to be far better in terms of time spent and results (30DS is only 20 minutes and can easily be completed before work). Insanity, like P90x is also a Beachbody product but of course it is a much higher intensity cardio workout than P90x or "the shred". I can't speak to Insanity because I haven't done it yet but I have read good things about it. Insanity is something I will likely add to my collection eventually. So I can only speak to JM videos. It all depends on what you want. Despite what the poster above (who I quoted) said in a previous post, it is not just for "women who want to look good in a bikini" how absolutely condescending and mean spirited. The shred is an excellent workout. It is a 20 minute workout so of course it is not the be all end all if you are a professional weightlifter or marathon runner! It is an effective way to start working out for those who haven't worked out in a while or as a good 30 day workout to roll in at any time for the more advanced. It's a good overall body workout and most importantly it is easy to fit into a busy schedule. You can always do the 30DS and also go on a 10 mile run if you feel so inclined. If you fear the shred is going to be too easy but you want to stick with JM I recommend NMTZ and BFBM these 2 videos will kick your butt regardless of fitness level.

    I think Insanity is likely a killer workout too so if you feel motivated then go for it. So Insanity is excellent but 30DS is also excellent each for what they are. 30DS is 20 minutes of circuit training and Insanity is a cardio workout that is twice as long----obviously if you workout at a high intensity for double the time you will have a better calorie burn. These two are not the same thing but I don't see the need to criticize 30DS shred because you like what Insanity has to offer (or to insult women for that matter, yeah I'm talking to you).

    I wasn't trying to insult women. However one thing you can not deny is that women who undertake workout regimens USUALLY do it for totally different reasons than men do. It's not their fault, it's just that the media has overemphasized the importance of looks in the minds of women. It's this same reason why their are so many more females with EDs than males.

    Anyway my reason for "hating" on Jillian's videos and training practices are the fact that the style of exercise she pushes on people doesn't yield functional gains that are comparable to the aesthetic gains. I believe that any workout program you go through should not only shape your body, but it should also make you stronger, faster, more agile, just plain better. And I think that any workout program that ignores the aspects of training that show you functional gains along with your weight loss and *ahem* toning is definitely a waste of time for this reason.

    I won't lie. I am judgmental and I have very, and I do mean VERY little respect for the type of person whose only motivation in fitness revolves around wanting to look a certain way rather than improve overall health or functionality. And the fact that Jillian's videos, and the type of workouts she pushes, very clearly market themselves specifically toward this crowd, makes her an easy target for people who look down on what I refer to as "vanity training."

    Let's not forget the whole Shred it with Weights DVD thing she got in deep trouble for. And the fact that a fitness trainer is selling fat burning pills.

    My experience with "The shred:" I began as obese at 335 lbs. I lost about 60 lbs of that through diet alone before I began doing any form of regular exercise. I tried a few different video programs but ultimately I decided to research the science behind fitness and start putting together my own programs. At about 245 lbs (still very much overweight but a lot fitter than I used to be) I decided to see what the big deal was with 30DS. I got about two weeks into it trying to use various levels of weight but got no real burn out of it. I lost a few inches but the fact that I saw no gains pertaining to real performance in those two weeks, no athletic gains, no increases in lifting strength or stamina or . . anything, really, made the inches lost seem totally unimportant. It's no secret as to why. Most of the resistance exercises she has you doing are isolation exercises, and compound exercises must be done with very very heavy work loads in order to see the benefit that comes from doing compound exercises.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Let's not forget the whole Shred it with Weights DVD thing she got in deep trouble for.

    I must be living under a rock. What deep trouble?
  • gimlara
    gimlara Posts: 6
    I think the other thing is who can you stand......The Insanity dude or Jillian M? I can't stand either one of them. ;) Doing the insanity work outs make me want to stab the TV, that guy is so annoying!

    How dare you. :) Shaun T is awesome. Insanity rocks.

    + agree! Shaun T is the best motivator!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    it depends on entirely what your fitness levels are. If you are a beginner, try 30ds as it will ease you into exercising. Plus its 27 minutes which you can easily do if you set time aside for it. Insanity would be better for when you are a lot fitter as its very intense and will cause you injury if you dont have good form. Both workouts are great and ive enjoyed both. Choose what you will enjoy and stick to. Good luck
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Let's not forget the whole Shred it with Weights DVD thing she got in deep trouble for.

    I must be living under a rock. What deep trouble?

    The production company that puts out the video is being sued by the RKC because Jillian is not a certified kettlebell instructor and the kettlebell form she teaches in this video is dangerous, ineffective, and will lead to severe injuries.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    One thing I have to add is that you're going to find a lot of Jillian fans talk about 30DS and RI30 like they're the end-all-be-all of workouts. My favorite are the ones who refer to 30DS as "The Shred" because it makes it sound SO much harder than it really is. You can tell who the people who never have set foot in a gym and only do their workouts at home are...
    Wow! I'm not sure where all this JM hate is stemming from....

    Anyway, I did 2 rounds of P90x and I found JM videos (not just 30DS) to be far better in terms of time spent and results (30DS is only 20 minutes and can easily be completed before work). Insanity, like P90x is also a Beachbody product but of course it is a much higher intensity cardio workout than P90x or "the shred". I can't speak to Insanity because I haven't done it yet but I have read good things about it. Insanity is something I will likely add to my collection eventually. So I can only speak to JM videos. It all depends on what you want. Despite what the poster above (who I quoted) said in a previous post, it is not just for "women who want to look good in a bikini" how absolutely condescending and mean spirited. The shred is an excellent workout. It is a 20 minute workout so of course it is not the be all end all if you are a professional weightlifter or marathon runner! It is an effective way to start working out for those who haven't worked out in a while or as a good 30 day workout to roll in at any time for the more advanced. It's a good overall body workout and most importantly it is easy to fit into a busy schedule. You can always do the 30DS and also go on a 10 mile run if you feel so inclined. If you fear the shred is going to be too easy but you want to stick with JM I recommend NMTZ and BFBM these 2 videos will kick your butt regardless of fitness level.

    I think Insanity is likely a killer workout too so if you feel motivated then go for it. So Insanity is excellent but 30DS is also excellent each for what they are. 30DS is 20 minutes of circuit training and Insanity is a cardio workout that is twice as long----obviously if you workout at a high intensity for double the time you will have a better calorie burn. These two are not the same thing but I don't see the need to criticize 30DS shred because you like what Insanity has to offer (or to insult women for that matter, yeah I'm talking to you).

    I wasn't trying to insult women. However one thing you can not deny is that women who undertake workout regimens USUALLY do it for totally different reasons than men do. It's not their fault, it's just that the media has overemphasized the importance of looks in the minds of women. It's this same reason why their are so many more females with EDs than males.

    Anyway my reason for "hating" on Jillian's videos and training practices are the fact that the style of exercise she pushes on people doesn't yield functional gains that are comparable to the aesthetic gains. I believe that any workout program you go through should not only shape your body, but it should also make you stronger, faster, more agile, just plain better. And I think that any workout program that ignores the aspects of training that show you functional gains along with your weight loss and *ahem* toning is definitely a waste of time for this reason.

    I won't lie. I am judgmental and I have very, and I do mean VERY little respect for the type of person whose only motivation in fitness revolves around wanting to look a certain way rather than improve overall health or functionality. And the fact that Jillian's videos, and the type of workouts she pushes, very clearly market themselves specifically toward this crowd, makes her an easy target for people who look down on what I refer to as "vanity training."

    Let's not forget the whole Shred it with Weights DVD thing she got in deep trouble for. And the fact that a fitness trainer is selling fat burning pills.

    My experience with "The shred:" I began as obese at 335 lbs. I lost about 60 lbs of that through diet alone before I began doing any form of regular exercise. I tried a few different video programs but ultimately I decided to research the science behind fitness and start putting together my own programs. At about 245 lbs (still very much overweight but a lot fitter than I used to be) I decided to see what the big deal was with 30DS. I got about two weeks into it trying to use various levels of weight but got no real burn out of it. I lost a few inches but the fact that I saw no gains pertaining to real performance in those two weeks, no athletic gains, no increases in lifting strength or stamina or . . anything, really, made the inches lost seem totally unimportant. It's no secret as to why. Most of the resistance exercises she has you doing are isolation exercises, and compound exercises must be done with very very heavy work loads in order to see the benefit that comes from doing compound exercises.

    What business is of yours what motivates other people? Why bother judging that? Other than make you feel superior?

    I do Jillian Michael's videos because they work for me -- somebody who is pretty close (+8 pounds) to a healthy weight that just wants to be firm up. Just because I don't want to be a world class athlete doesn't mean I'm not interested in my health. I get they don't work for you and your personal goals -- so why not just explain why they don't work for you rather than bash other people in the process?
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    One thing I have to add is that you're going to find a lot of Jillian fans talk about 30DS and RI30 like they're the end-all-be-all of workouts. My favorite are the ones who refer to 30DS as "The Shred" because it makes it sound SO much harder than it really is. You can tell who the people who never have set foot in a gym and only do their workouts at home are...

    Well, I have spent loads of time in the gym and have family who body build (have for many many yrs),I sitll call it The Shred lol.
    I do agree though with it being for beginners, I openly admit I don't do any JM workouts anymore but for the first 6mths of getting back into things they were irriplaceble, for me. I LOVE her, I don't find her annoying in the slightest and with a newborn and 6yr old I needed a quick way to get my workout mindset back. For that purpose I rec' them, not because I believe they are the best hardest dvds out there, lol.
    I have been toying with the idea of insanity, soon. For right now I am doing my own ST programs, and I am very happy with my results thus far but when I need to switch it up I am thinking I will start Insanity workouts. I am glad to hear so many enjoy them.