

  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    Guesstimate your dinner and wine intake beforehand and adjust your breakfast and lunch accordingly that morning. That tends to work for me.

    Also, make sure you are eating a net amount of calories that is equal to your BMR. Find your BMR here:


    Good job on taking a healthy option for yourself--I'm sure that helps a lot.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP, the types of food and alcohol could be affecting your weight loss, but also the amount of calories could as well. If you want, let us know your height, weight and age as well as job (desk job, nurse, etc..) and we can look at how many calories you should be consuming.
    Same as the above posters...the quick add isn't accurate. One other thing i noticed is on more days than not, you have little calories in the a.m. and big heavy dinners. Try to switch that around. Eat your larger meals in the morning when you metabolism has all day to burn those off and eat lighter at night. I also find when i dedicate 600-700 calories on the weekend to bevys, i don't lose as much. Look for lower calorie options like Skinny Girl or vodka sodas. :)

    It truly has zero effect when you eat your meals. Whether it's the biggest meal in the AM or PM, your body metabolizes calories the same. It doesn't shut down or suppress itself as it's always functioning (otherwise you'd be dead).
  • megsalla80
    megsalla80 Posts: 10 Member
    OP, the types of food and alcohol could be affecting your weight loss, but also the amount of calories could as well. If you want, let us know your height, weight and age as well as job (desk job, nurse, etc..) and we can look at how many calories you should be consuming.
    Same as the above posters...the quick add isn't accurate. One other thing i noticed is on more days than not, you have little calories in the a.m. and big heavy dinners. Try to switch that around. Eat your larger meals in the morning when you metabolism has all day to burn those off and eat lighter at night. I also find when i dedicate 600-700 calories on the weekend to bevys, i don't lose as much. Look for lower calorie options like Skinny Girl or vodka sodas. :)

    It truly has zero effect when you eat your meals. Whether it's the biggest meal in the AM or PM, your body metabolizes calories the same. It doesn't shut down or suppress itself as it's always functioning (otherwise you'd be dead).

    I am 5 ft 5 in... I weigh 149 lbs... I am a high school counselor so i do a combo of sitting and light walking during the day... the real job is when i get home and pick up after and cook for 2 toddlers. i would really like to know exactly how many calories for weight loss. i've been doing 1200 but i seem to stay the same. so frustrating!
  • Ambition00
    Ambition00 Posts: 37 Member
    you should read the responses to this post...we posted the same questions in different wording. I got some good inputs here that may be helpful?
