Calling all petite gals and experienced weight losers...



  • Ambition00
    Ambition00 Posts: 37 Member

    Advanced. Personally I have a strange lifestyle as a violinist so most calculators are off for me, since they don't account for the calories I burn through violin practice! For you, I would say use the advanced, get your TDEE for a rest day on that (include things like cooking, standing, walking, whatever you do on an average day) and log anything extra like workouts or excessive additional activity on top.

    Awesome thanks for this. Really helpful. Do you train everyday and how do you split your cardio/strength? i love to train but i feel like when i get excited about doing all that i forget to put the fuel I am trying to focus primarily on the fuel right now and then up the fitness. but I still workout just not as much or what I would like to be doing.