50lbs in 85 Days?!



  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    You cannot lose weight just by eating better foods. You had to have been eating less simultaneously. And yes essentially all people are the same when it comes to losing weight. You eat less, you lose weight. You can say you are different but you arent.

    that's not entirely true. if you're a fast-food eater (i have a girlfriend who used to eat FF 3x a day) and then make the switch to a whole-foods plant-based approach, even gradually, your calorie intake will be significantly lower. in fact, you could even eat more than ever and still lose weight because the calorie load of carrots is entirely different than even a kid's size hamburger.

    Perfectly said, & I completely agree :)
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    You cannot lose weight just by eating better foods. You had to have been eating less simultaneously. And yes essentially all people are the same when it comes to losing weight. You eat less, you lose weight. You can say you are different but you arent.

    that's not entirely true. if you're a fast-food eater (i have a girlfriend who used to eat FF 3x a day) and then make the switch to a whole-foods plant-based approach, even gradually, your calorie intake will be significantly lower. in fact, you could even eat more than ever and still lose weight because the calorie load of carrots is entirely different than even a kid's size hamburger.

    If you eat more than your body burns you gain weight. No matter what the food is. your body will get better nutrients from better foods but even eating a whole bunch of good food that equals more calories than your body can burn you will gain weight.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    It's doable, but I wouldn't recommend it. First of all, it's not healthy. If you lose that much weight that fast, you'll be much more likely to put the pounds back on later. You're going to make yourself crazy trying to be super strict and then once you finally reach your goal, you'll start binging and you won't be able to stop. I've seen friends of mine do this again and again. That's why I've spread out my 60 pound loss over a year and a half. It takes a lot of patience, but it's worth it in the end.

    Think of it this way, you can fix a hole in a boat with duct tape, but that tape will eventually cease to work and the boat will sink. If you fix it properly, it will stay afloat indefinitely.

    Good luck!

    Such a general comment as "it's not healthy" is not correct...each person is different. I lost 50 pounds in 89 days by eating properly, cutting out all the "junk", & incorporating exercise into my daily routine.......I have been completely cleared by my doctor, he has taken me off all diabetes medications, & states I'm the healthiest I've ever been & that I'm his A+ student.

    The key to weight loss is......REALLY WANTING to do it in the first place....actually doing it....staying motivated....& learning from things that might/might not work. Every single person is different.....every person metabolism is different.....so a general comment such as "it's not healthy" really shouldn't be said because that's not true..it all boils down to that person :)

    You cannot lose weight just by eating better foods. You had to have been eating less simultaneously. And yes essentially all people are the same when it comes to losing weight. You eat less, you lose weight. You can say you are different but you arent.

    You are absolutely completely wrong....I know since day 1 on my weight loss journey I have done it absolutely correctly, which is eating healthy...proteins, veggies/fruit, etc etc......and no, every single person IS different. My eating before I started on MFP was eating junk...chips/pop/fast food, & from Day 1 on here I have changed to eating healthy & exercising. There is not a day that goes by that I don't eat 3 full meals & 3 full snacks (between 1200-1600 calories daily).....

    I'm doing it correctly, my doctor states I'm doing it correctly...my dietitian states I'm doing it correctly, & the proof is not only in the numbers, but in the fact that my body has gained muscle in the process while also losing pounds..... :)

    What you have said is right. you knew how much you ate and it was less than what your body burned so you lost weight. I agree completely. that makes you just like everyone else though.