Supplement guidance needed; starting P90X

Hey Everyone...

I'm going to be starting P90X in the next day or two, and was looking for some supplement advice. I know that p90X recommends you purchase a recovery drink from them, but it is about $60 for a months worth, which, in my opinion, is pricey. I was thinking of getting some Glyco-Maize, Creatine, and Whey and using that... yay? nay? I already have the protein, and the creatine is $8.00 and Glyco-Maize is $17...

Any informed advice welcomed... thanks!


  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I've been researching this and apparently the recovery drink is a "nice to have" and not an essential, so I'm planning to just take a multivitamin and some fish oils to help the muscles recover.

    Interested to see others opinions.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The P90X results & recovery formula basically is a whey/glyco-maize blend. Your plan definitely sounds good.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    The P90X results & recovery formula basically is a whey/glyco-maize blend. Your plan definitely sounds good.

    awesome... thanks for the help... you think I will be ok adding creatine into the mix as well?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The P90X results & recovery formula basically is a whey/glyco-maize blend. Your plan definitely sounds good.

    awesome... thanks for the help... you think I will be ok adding creatine into the mix as well?

    With P90X it's not a problem. I could however see it being a problem with a lot of other workout programs because you have to hydrate a lot more frequently when taking creatine than most structured workouts allow for. P90X allows for frequent hydration thoguh.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    The P90X results & recovery formula basically is a whey/glyco-maize blend. Your plan definitely sounds good.

    awesome... thanks for the help... you think I will be ok adding creatine into the mix as well?

    With P90X it's not a problem. I could however see it being a problem with a lot of other workout programs because you have to hydrate a lot more frequently when taking creatine than most structured workouts allow for. P90X allows for frequent hydration thoguh.

    OK great, so just keep drinking plenty of water... got it... Thanks again for the help... very much appreciated... if anyone else has anything to add, lets hear it!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    I've been using the program for about three weeks now mainly in hopes to just melt the overall body flab, not to bulk up, and I am progressing nicely so far. I use fish oil and whey powder supplements in addition to my normal daily multi-vitamin and it seems to be working for me. Make no mistake, if you aren't in shape, your muscles will burn.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Post workout redcovery shakes, while not detrimental, are not necessary at all. Just eat food and drink water throughout the day. Multivitamin, fish oil, and creatine are all good. I am not sure if creatine is really all that needed though for p90x. It does go well with heavy weight lifting. Here is a ton of info for body recomp. There is a link explaining creatine in detail at the bottom. If trying to lose weight I would recommend against comsuming any calories via liquid. Just try to hit your cals\macros from eating solid food. It is a lot easier to be satisfied with that vs drinking water+whey.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Post workout redcovery shakes, while not detrimental, are not necessary at all. Just eat food and drink water throughout the day. Multivitamin, fish oil, and creatine are all good. I am not sure if creatine is really all that needed though for p90x. It does go well with heavy weight lifting. Here is a ton of info for body recomp. There is a link explaining creatine in detail at the bottom. If trying to lose weight I would recommend against comsuming any calories via liquid. Just try to hit your cals\macros from eating solid food. It is a lot easier to be satisfied with that vs drinking water+whey.

    Thanks... I do take a multi-vitamin, and eat fish 2-3 times a week, so Prob good there too... I just know that, at nearly 300 lbs, this is going to be hard as hell, and I want to get the most out of it if I'm putting in the work... I want to gain fitness and strength, so I can move on to even more challenging things like Insanity... I do consume plenty of protein through my diet... maybe I will skip the whey, and go with creatine - glyco-maize for post work out to help with soreness...