getting the right nutrients!

ok so i need help... i just reviewed my food diary from start till today.. and its NOTgood! haha im extremely high in sugars consistently, fat and carbs occasionally and ALWAYS low in potassium. how do i fix this? haha im pretty much set on not drinking sodas and teas anymore, so that should help, butthe potassium is got me confused. i would be eating bananas all the time, but one banana would fill my limit for sugars, but probably not for potassium. what do i do?


  • alanabeehave
    Avocados or coconut water for potassium (seeds, fish, beans, cocoa, yams).. Why not open your food diary so we can take a look? Or u can add me if you want to be more private, I'm a nutrition nerd :)
    Btw my diary and almost very diary I've ever read goes over their sugars even on days where I don't eat any added sugars... Mostly from plain yogurt, carrots, beets, fruit etc.. I think those are acceptable but if it's from junk food, you might need to make some adjustments to your diet.