Can you lose without exercise? Discouraged, prob. impatient.



  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    Probably because like most primates, we are carry mammals, meaning that babies are hardwired to find touch and closeness relaxing, and can find being put down & left as stressful as being tiger bait.

    To the OP - do you have a sling? Absolute lifesaver for high contact babies. You'll need a stretchy wrap sling like a moby / hugabub for a teeny tiny. They look complicated but I promise you, they're not. I used one for both my children and I'm so cack handed I have to tie shoelaces a different way from most people.

    For an older baby, a soft structured carrier, like an Ergo, boba, manduca are fabulous. You just clip them on like a backback and the baby snuggles up. I used them as people use strollers - till 2-3 years old, with children being carried when they get too tired to walk.

    And voila - weight lighting exercises and freedom to go on long walks! You get your hands free to deal with older kids and you're not restricted to buggy friendly paths.

    Yes, I actually use a cloth that I tie "moby style." It's just really hot, so sometimes the baby doesn't handle it well. I'm immune to sweating and heat because I have lived in S.E. Louisiana all my life. It's been nearly 100 here every day, so we have been going to the mall and walking.

    Everyone who is mentioning that I work out when I get the chance, thank you for your advice. I just wanted to point out that in my o.p. I let everyone know that I'm always moving. I often take walks, nearly every day. I go up and down our stair case all day (really not by choice, LOL!!) but, yes I do get a lot of moving in, just not "formal" exercise. I was just wondering if you can lose weight without exercise, and it seems the consensus is yes.

    I'm not counting ANY of my moving about during the day in my exercise log. I was wondering if I had too many calories. Maybe not enough? Ugh... I'd hate to repeat the eat your exercise calorie post again, LOL!! It warps my brain!!!!
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    With 4 little ones, you have your hands full!!! I know that you're breastfeeding and yes, that does burn calories, but I wouldn't include it in your food diary. For starters you really don't know what your actual burn is, and you could be overestimating and in turn, eating over your daily calorie count. Try to cut out takeout/processed foods where you can. They are evil carriers of high calories, fat and sodium. Drink lots of water, and use that stroller and go for a hike, it helps you tone up, fresh air will help baby get some shuteye, and it gets you out of the house!!

    Don't be discouraged! and try to stay positive, every little step towards a healthier lifestyle is a win and it does means something!

    Best of luck!

    Yes! That is what I was thinking. When I add the breastfeeding to my log it subtracts 500 calories. And with my 1800 calorie goal that would be 2300, which I am eating just under. So yah, you think I may be eating too much? I think maybe this is right.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    Probably because like most primates, we are carry mammals, meaning that babies are hardwired to find touch and closeness relaxing, and can find being put down & left as stressful as being tiger bait.

    To the OP - do you have a sling? Absolute lifesaver for high contact babies. You'll need a stretchy wrap sling like a moby / hugabub for a teeny tiny. They look complicated but I promise you, they're not. I used one for both my children and I'm so cack handed I have to tie shoelaces a different way from most people.

    For an older baby, a soft structured carrier, like an Ergo, boba, manduca are fabulous. You just clip them on like a backback and the baby snuggles up. I used them as people use strollers - till 2-3 years old, with children being carried when they get too tired to walk.

    And voila - weight lighting exercises and freedom to go on long walks! You get your hands free to deal with older kids and you're not restricted to buggy friendly paths.

    ^^All of this.

    It's so easy for someone to say, "Put the baby in a stroller, and go for a walk!" But in reality, there are other kids to deal with too. It sounds like your other kids are little, and I get it that putting a baby in a stroller when you have a toddler to walk with is very tricky. They're slow, and any walk at a toddler's pace is hardly a workout. I say wear the baby in a carrier and push the next youngest one (or two) in a stroller. That way you are getting a workout from carrying and pushing, and you can hopefully go at a decent speed.

    But to answer your question, sure. You can lose weight just from eating at a calorie deficit. I'm currently unable to do any real cardio due to a foot injury, and I'm still losing. It's only been a few weeks of not exercising, and I hate that I can't, but I'm down a couple pounds.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    Probably because like most primates, we are carry mammals, meaning that babies are hardwired to find touch and closeness relaxing, and can find being put down & left as stressful as being tiger bait.

    To the OP - do you have a sling? Absolute lifesaver for high contact babies. You'll need a stretchy wrap sling like a moby / hugabub for a teeny tiny. They look complicated but I promise you, they're not. I used one for both my children and I'm so cack handed I have to tie shoelaces a different way from most people.

    For an older baby, a soft structured carrier, like an Ergo, boba, manduca are fabulous. You just clip them on like a backback and the baby snuggles up. I used them as people use strollers - till 2-3 years old, with children being carried when they get too tired to walk.

    And voila - weight lighting exercises and freedom to go on long walks! You get your hands free to deal with older kids and you're not restricted to buggy friendly paths.

    ^^All of this.

    It's so easy for someone to say, "Put the baby in a stroller, and go for a walk!" But in reality, there are other kids to deal with too. It sounds like your other kids are little, and I get it that putting a baby in a stroller when you have a toddler to walk with is very tricky. They're slow, and any walk at a toddler's pace is hardly a workout. I say wear the baby in a carrier and push the next youngest one (or two) in a stroller. That way you are getting a workout from carrying and pushing, and you can hopefully go at a decent speed.

    But to answer your question, sure. You can lose weight just from eating at a calorie deficit. I'm currently unable to do any real cardio due to a foot injury, and I'm still losing. It's only been a few weeks of not exercising, and I hate that I can't, but I'm down a couple pounds.

    Definitely so! That is exactly right. When out for walks, they are very slow. But we still go. I just don't count that as exercise and I'm not logging it. In fact, I count that as sedentary.
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    Take the baby with you into the bathroom. Never leave a toddler unattended.

    Was this really necessary? Geez... it rubbed me the wrong way. The OP didn't ask for advice on how to go to the bathroom when you have an infant... and if she wanted to leave her baby alone (safely) for a few minutes then so be it. It's not your place to comment.

    Rant over... time for an espresso.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    Take the baby with you into the bathroom. Never leave a toddler unattended.

    Was this really necessary? Geez... it rubbed me the wrong way. The OP didn't ask for advice on how to go to the bathroom when you have an infant... and if she wanted to leave her baby alone (safely) for a few minutes then so be it. It's not your place to comment.

    Rant over... time for an espresso.

    It's okay. I know what you mean. LOL! Sorry, I wasn't trying to start anything bad. I do have a place that I can put the baby down for a second if I *REALLY* have to, but I try not to because the other kids will come up by her and poke her in the face or try to pick her up and stuff. Just.. too many little kids at once, LOL!
  • Flafster
    Flafster Posts: 106 Member

    Yes, I actually use a cloth that I tie "moby style." It's just really hot, so sometimes the baby doesn't handle it well. I'm immune to sweating and heat because I have lived in S.E. Louisiana all my life. It's been nearly 100 here every day, so we have been going to the mall and walking.

    I have friends use a long piece of muslin when it's warmer?

    Granted we don't have your kind of heat over here but mine seemed to cope better with our hot days with increased skin to skin contact. Veeery sweaty for me, but seemed to help them stablise their temperatures.

    I'm certain your activity level isn't sedentary. I've got two and I know I barely get a chance to sit down for a cup of tea, let alone hours at a time
  • julieanne0924
    julieanne0924 Posts: 30 Member
    I have 4 kids. It's hard! I feel your pain! I live your pain - lol!

    Do what you can do. Concentrate on your diet now and then one you have that mastered, figure out a way to incorporate fitness. I know you know this, but as the baby grows, you'll have more time to exercise. Give yourself a break. It's hard being a new mom. You'll figure out a workaround that works best for you.

    For me, I get up early and workout before everyone gets up. But, my youngest is two.
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    Take the baby with you into the bathroom. Never leave a toddler unattended.

    Was this really necessary? Geez... it rubbed me the wrong way. The OP didn't ask for advice on how to go to the bathroom when you have an infant... and if she wanted to leave her baby alone (safely) for a few minutes then so be it. It's not your place to comment.

    Rant over... time for an espresso.

    It's okay. I know what you mean. LOL! Sorry, I wasn't trying to start anything bad. I do have a place that I can put the baby down for a second if I *REALLY* have to, but I try not to because the other kids will come up by her and poke her in the face or try to pick her up and stuff. Just.. too many little kids at once, LOL!

    I totally get it... I mean the not finding time/space to just go for a pee when you have a baby. I don't think you started anything "bad", I just can't stand unsolicited advice sometimes.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    Take the baby with you into the bathroom. Never leave a toddler unattended.

    Was this really necessary? Geez... it rubbed me the wrong way. The OP didn't ask for advice on how to go to the bathroom when you have an infant... and if she wanted to leave her baby alone (safely) for a few minutes then so be it. It's not your place to comment.

    Rant over... time for an espresso.

    It's okay. I know what you mean. LOL! Sorry, I wasn't trying to start anything bad. I do have a place that I can put the baby down for a second if I *REALLY* have to, but I try not to because the other kids will come up by her and poke her in the face or try to pick her up and stuff. Just.. too many little kids at once, LOL!

    I totally get it... I mean the not finding time/space to just go for a pee when you have a baby. I don't think you started anything "bad", I just can't stand unsolicited advice sometimes.

    I understand. And I think I might need some of that espresso. I'm over here in the got to get it going groove for today.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member

    Yes, I actually use a cloth that I tie "moby style." It's just really hot, so sometimes the baby doesn't handle it well. I'm immune to sweating and heat because I have lived in S.E. Louisiana all my life. It's been nearly 100 here every day, so we have been going to the mall and walking.

    I have friends use a long piece of muslin when it's warmer?

    Granted we don't have your kind of heat over here but mine seemed to cope better with our hot days with increased skin to skin contact. Veeery sweaty for me, but seemed to help them stablise their temperatures.

    I'm certain your activity level isn't sedentary. I've got two and I know I barely get a chance to sit down for a cup of tea, let alone hours at a time

    That's right! It's just that my heart rate doesn't go up, so I am not counting it as official exercise. Yes, I don't get to sit for any long periods of time. And as for the muslin, I'm going to go to the fabrics store a.s.a.p. for that. I had one that was some type of very light jersey with tiny holes all in it, but after several years it gave out. Now it stretches too much when I put her in it. It served me well though. I used it the for my 3rd child 'til she was 2. The one I'm using now is stretchy knit; way too hot. Thanks for the tip!
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    But as the other posters have mentioned, I think a walk in the stroller would be nice. I also think you should give yourself more credit. You have FOUR children, one of whom is an infant. That has to be super tiring and demanding and you are still trying to find ways to get healthy and fit.


    Exactly! You have four kiddies and you seem to get a lot of activity within your 'normal' day. Kudos to you too! How about just increasing your water intake?
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I've lost all 70 of my pounds (my weight fluctuates but is going down) without exercising... at least on purpose. If you look at my pics, it turns out underneath all that lard I carried, I still had the muscle from when I was an athlete in high school or something.

    The suggested math behind weight loss is this.

    A pound of calories is about 3500 calories.
    Find out your maintain weight calories. (the calories you need to maintain).
    then set your goal (1 lb or 2 lbs or .5 lbs a week).
    Cut that many calories out.

    So the math would for me to lost a pound a day would be..

    2550 calories for me to maintain a day.
    17850 (2550x7=17850) calories for me to maintain a week.
    17850-3500(1lb of calories)=14350 calories to lose 1 lb a week
    14350(Total calories needed weekly to lose 1 lb)/7(7 days a week)=2050.

    To lose a pound a week I'd need to eat at most 2050 a week.

    I love math.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    I've lost all 70 of my pounds (my weight fluctuates but is going down) without exercising... at least on purpose. If you look at my pics, it turns out underneath all that lard I carried, I still had the muscle from when I was an athlete in high school or something.

    The suggested math behind weight loss is this.

    A pound of calories is about 3500 calories.
    Find out your maintain weight calories. (the calories you need to maintain).
    then set your goal (1 lb or 2 lbs or .5 lbs a week).
    Cut that many calories out.

    So the math would for me to lost a pound a day would be..

    2550 calories for me to maintain a day.
    17850 (2550x7=17850) calories for me to maintain a week.
    17850-3500(1lb of calories)=14350 calories to lose 1 lb a week
    14350(Total calories needed weekly to lose 1 lb)/7(7 days a week)=2050.

    To lose a pound a week I'd need to eat at most 2050 a week.

    I love math.

    This gives me hope and is also helpful to me. I used to do LOTS of weight lifting and training. I was NEVER thin, or sculpted probably because my mom thought to feed me exclusively ice cream, pizza, and dr. pepper until I was old enough to realize that wasn't right.. I worked out with a trainer that I also worked with and she just couldn't figure me out. She put me through intense workouts and watched what I ate. From what I've been reading, I probably wasn't eating nearly enough food to get to my goal.

    Okay, wait. I just did the math.
    So if I want to be 175, my calorie intake for the day would be 1920 on sedentary.
    1920 x 7 = 13440
    13440-3500 = 9940

    1420??? Whoa! That seems like extreme for calorie cutting. Or did I do this wrong?
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    By switching to a low-carb diet, I have lost almost 30 lbs in under 3 months without changing my exercise routine. I don't do any intense exercise, just my walk to and from work which is about 45 min a day total. I also increased the amount of water I drink, by almost double!

    Since the only thing I changed when I started to lose weight was my diet, I would say yes! You can lose with diet alone. But I do recommend trying to go for at least a 20 minute walk a day, or get active somehow EVERY day. Doesn't have to be intense. You have a toddler around so I think you should be good in that department!

    Yes, I agree with this too. I've been losing weight slowly but surely ( 17 pounds over 4 months) without much change in my exercise habits. Focusing on making my diet as healthy as possible first and foremost and fitting in exercise when I can but not stressing about it--I seldom log official exercise workouts but I am fairly active at my job and walk regularly.