Shakeology...can't find an accurate one in the database?

So I just started forcing chocolate shakeology down. I see lots of shakeology when I search for it, but when I compare the nutrition numbers on the bag to what is in the database there are lots of differences in calories, fiber, etc. Anyone else notice this or am I going crazy? Was hoping to make a recipe using it in MFP...


  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Because people can't seem to put info in correctly. Happens all the time with foods unfotunately. WWith the chooclate is it regular or vegan? I have to double check on Vegan but I know the regular is 150 cals a scoop. I personally like mine with almond milk and fruit.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Why not take a minute and make it a custom food for you? Enter what is on the packet/bag and you will now it is right. It will be quicker than searching though all the entries.