I think I was drugged :(

I went out salsa dancing with a friend Friday night and was so excited to have some fun, plus it was a fun way to burn a ton of calories. In any case we got to the bar/salsa club around 9 and I bought myself a Bud Light, my only drink for the night. Shortly after buying it though I was asked to dance and left my beer with my friend of 7 years, it was still 3/4 full. She said she'd watch it, plus there was only about 20 people in the bar at that time. We were there for a birthday party. Well I finished dancing, came back and finished my drink. Less than 5 minutes after drinkin it I felt really dizzy, had double vision, and a horrible headache. I'm Irish I can hold my alcohol and there is no way 1 beer could have done that. :( I spent the whole night sitting in the corner trying to get the room to stop spinning. It got worse too because our DD got drunk and when they pulled up in front of the bar to pick us up not a single person was sober so I refused to get in the car and they left me. Good thing I didn't because they crashed shortly thereafter. I had to walk through downtown Denver in the middle of the night by myself, barely able to focus. Plus Beer Fest was just letting out and so there were drunk Frat boys everywhere. A cop saw I was being harrassed and not feeling good though so he escorted me to the place where my dad was coming to pick me up (yep thats right I'm 22 yrs old and had to call my dad at 1 am for a ride) and the cop stayed with me. It just really upsets me someone would do something like that. And to top it off I had a headache for the entire weekend because of it.


  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Wow - I'm so sorry that happened to you, good for you for calling your Dad, much better than getting in a car with anyone who has been drinking. It is scary what can happen in clubs. Happy you made it home safe.
  • yankeefamily05
    Wow, that is crazy....!!!!!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    I am so sorry that you went through this, but it also might serve as a wakeup call to you that maybe you need to surround yourself with more positive people.

    A true friend, drunk or not, would never leave another friend behind, especially when she's feeling sick. And DD should be responsible and not drink.

    Sorry, just being honest here.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow, that is crazy. I am sorry that your friend didn't keep a closer eye on your drink. I hope that everything works out with you. You made a good decision not to get in that car, and you DD really needs to get her *kitten* into gear - if you decided to be the DD you shouldn't drink a thing. Ugh, some people our age can be really unintelligent. :grumble:
  • leighoconnell
    Ya it was so frightening. I am usually very cautious with my drinks for that reason. But I truly thought it'd be safe with my friend. I will never, never go to a club or bar without my fiance again. He's an ex green beret and a cop so I know I'm safe with him. Thank god for that cop that escorted me, I don't think I would have made it home if not for him.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I am so sorry that you went through this, but it also might serve as a wakeup call to you that maybe you need to surround yourself with more positive people.

    A true friend, drunk or not, would never leave another friend behind, especially when she's feeling sick. And DD should be responsible and not drink.

    Good advice, and a lesson I am sure you learned.

    So glad you didn't get in that car. So very glad.

    I applaud you for calling Daddy. I'm sure he was MORE THAN HAPPY to come get you. I'd never ever be upset to pick up my kid out of that situation.
  • kokonutmama
    Good job taking care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • leighoconnell
    I am so sorry that you went through this, but it also might serve as a wakeup call to you that maybe you need to surround yourself with more positive people.

    A true friend, drunk or not, would never leave another friend behind, especially when she's feeling sick. And DD should be responsible and not drink.

    Sorry, just being honest here.

    No I totally agree. For the most part, I have a really good group of friends with strong morals...this is just the one bad seed. Most of the time I'm out with the good group, but no one could go that night and I hadn't been out in 6 weeks. I will never hang out with that friend again.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry that happened. I'm glad you called your Dad. Be careful next time you go out. Trust no one with your drink, maybe ur bf didnt do it, I doubt she would do that, but maybe she was not careful enough and wasn't paying enough attention to your drink. Have you confronted her about it? :grumble:
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I am thinking you are one lucky girl. First, despite being drugged, you had enough sense to not get in the car (hope your friends are OK), then your dad willing to pick you up at 1am, then the cop coming to your rescue and making sure you were safe until Dad got there. That is one heck of a string of luck... Totally sucks about something getting slipped in your drink, but damn good luck otherwise.

    Let me say, my kids are not old enough for drinking to be an issue yet, but they already know that if they get into a situation like that to call. We probably won't be happy about it, but we won't kill them... I hope all parents are like that these days.
  • leighoconnell
    I am thinking you are one lucky girl. First, despite being drugged, you had enough sense to not get in the car (hope your friends are OK), then your dad willing to pick you up at 1am, then the cop coming to your rescue and making sure you were safe until Dad got there. That is one heck of a string of luck... Totally sucks about something getting slipped in your drink, but damn good luck otherwise.

    Let me say, my kids are not old enough for drinking to be an issue yet, but they already know that if they get into a situation like that to call. We probably won't be happy about it, but we won't kill them... I hope all parents are like that these days.

    I've never been much of a partier so my parents know I'm responsible. Even when I was part of a sorority at BSU I never partied, was always the DD. So my dad didn't mind coming to get me, he was just upset I was left downtown by myself at 1 am. Downtown Denver is NOT safe.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    No I totally agree. For the most part, I have a really good group of friends with strong morals...this is just the one bad seed. Most of the time I'm out with the good group, but no one could go that night and I hadn't been out in 6 weeks. I will never hang out with that friend again.

    I am so glad to hear that they aren't your "normal" crowd! How terrible.

    And I agree with the others, good that you called your dad. Not at all embarrassing! I think he would appreciate a phone call asking for a ride home, rather than the horrific phone call from a policeman telling him that you were in an accident.

    I think you used your good common sense that night!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Glad to hear that you're okay! And I hope my daughter calls me if she needs a ride even if she's 50 years old!!!!!! That's what family is for!!!

    You used your head. Hope your friends apologize and I also hope that they are all okay, and not hurt from the accident.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you. I don't know what the scariest/worst part about that story is, although I'm glad you weren't seriously injured by whatever nasty drug someone slipped you. Were your so-called friends okay after the accident? I hope no one was seriously hurt, but that they learned a serious lesson. My high school sweetheart was always trying to drive drunk, and I always fought with him to stop him. Just over a year after we broke up, he went driving after drinking and didn't make it back alive. People need to shake their head and realize how dangerous that is, not only for them, but for other people on the road around them. What's the point of a DD if they can't stop themselves from drinking? :noway: Sorry, went on a little tangent there...

    I'm so glad you are okay and it sounds like you've got a great Dad and a good fiance. Stay safe! :flowerforyou:
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I've never been much of a partier so my parents know I'm responsible. Even when I was part of a sorority at BSU I never partied, was always the DD. So my dad didn't mind coming to get me, he was just upset I was left downtown by myself at 1 am. Downtown Denver is NOT safe.

    Oh, trust me, as a parent, being left alone downtown of ANY big city and the fact you got drugged would have freaked me out way more than the phone call at 2am... And, even if I got mad, I would be very grateful you were safe.
  • Scary! I'm so glad you are SAFE! nothing bad happened to you.
  • Veronica320
    Never leave your drink unattended! Trust me......I've had some pretty bad things happen to me and it sounds like you got off lucky!