Binge and pleateau break?

Has anyone ever had a plateau that wouldn't break and then they got upset any binge ate for a day( or just ate a lot for any reason) and then gone back to their diet the next day and they started losing weight again?

Has anyone tried this? Did it work?


  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    I've heard of people having a high calorie meal (I'd try and keep it healthy :) when they've plateaued and it helped them out. I think one meal is worth the shot.

    I'd be careful on allowing a 'binge' day. Mine took 2 months to recover from :)
  • DonnaF50
    DonnaF50 Posts: 1
    Been there and done that. You're right "binge meal" is one thing - binge day can turn into 3 days then a week and then when the scale shows a gain, you really lose it.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Yeah - I'm thinking more binge meal. Hoping that'll break my plateau