
I am leaving in a few days on a vacation to see my family. When I am there I don't want to undo all the hard work I have done recently, but where I stay there is tons of junk food laying around (my biggest weakness), someone else cooking (more processed stuff then I normally eat), dinners out with family, and no where to work out. I don't have a gym membership, I normally work out at home ( I have my own elliptical and some weights)
Any suggestions on how to not undo everything I have worked on so far?


  • txcaveman
    txcaveman Posts: 167 Member
    Make a plan and stick to it. Plan what you are going to eat most meals. if you are at a family meal, keep portion sizes down.

    Bring healthy snacks with you. Apples, strawberries /blueberries, unsalted nuts, and beef jerky are some of my favorite. When the unhealty snacks are calling your name, go grab a healthy alternative.

    There are plenty of exercises without the need for a gym. Walking, running, pushups, sit ups..... there is a great app for the i-pad with a lot of gread examples of exervices to work every part of your body with household items, such as a chair.

    BUT, I really think the most important thing is to make up your mind that you are not going to falter. You are mentally tought enought to stick to the plan. This is an easily goal that will be rewarded by a healthy body and a feeling of success that nobody can take from you.

  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Bring an alarm clock. Wake up early and get some exercise in you don't need a gym membership or any fancy equipment. Try walking/jogging followed by some sit ups, push ups & jumping jacks.

    Pack some self stable snacks that you can snack on. Be sure to drink lots of water.

    How about offering to cook one night. Or just being open about your eating style you might find you aren't the only one.

    Good luck & most of all enjoy your vacation :smile: