Joining in after loosing a stone & Motivation :(

Hi everyone. Im Geri 32 and from Derbyshire (UK) My sister asked me to be her Bridesmaid last oct. I did well and before christmas I lost a stone :) ..........................then it came ! christmas dinner and all the goodies, then my birthday blah blah excuse excuse excuse ! and I put the stone back on :(

We went off to pick bridesmaid dresses, Non of them fit and my cousin had to do all the trying on. Since then I got back on track but the diet I was following just wasnt working (well not as fast as I would like) I was pointed in this direction by my nurse, so far it seems that this is working and I have already lost a few lb's :)

My sisters wedding is oct this year, The last dress fitting is Late August and I want to be at least 10lb lighter !