
Well um, I live in Moscow Idaho. My theory of losing weight before was see how little I can eat; luckily for me that didn't work or I would be anorexic right now, lol. I use to try and sit in on my moms weight watchers but I kept embarrassing her with my questions; curse of having a social daughter. Surprisingly I am social just shy at first, people always make comments about the fact that I wear sweat shirts all year long even in the heat of the summer; learned to shrug it off but mainly it's what I do to hide my body picked up the habit from my cousin who use to be a size 0 when we met, she's the type that can eat and never gain weight and always envied her for it. At first the sweat shirts were comfy and honestly it didn't begin with hiding my body till a girl from my class came up and commented that sweat shirts are meant to keep you warm not hide under and at first didn't do much to me... and then I hit jr. high and the playful insults from elementary school that I would reply back with a smart remark well those turned into true insults and slowly my self-esteem left me and depression hit. I stopped going to school stayed at home. It got to the point even the teachers were insulting me but for no going to school. I got held back and I did try a few times but kept getting knocked down so I eventually just quit; went to online schooling and suddenly in not going to school my weight got worse.

I suffered till I was 17 and then I decided to pick myself up, in online schooling I failed cause I officially suck at math; writing is my strong point honestly. But I got my GED catching up and graduating before the rest of my age group, I wrote a book officially a published author and I'm actually working to get my learners hopefully later this week. Being 18 now and suddenly taking on all these responsibilities I've decided if I'm going to officially turn over a new leaf that means fighting my biggest battle... my weight, with that I have a feeling my shyness will go away and my self-esteem will rise and then maybe I can actually live out the rest of my youth happy instead of being a hermit stuck in a house on the computer cause I'm scared to go out in case I run into people who use to bully me. And between you and me always wanted to own a bikini and be able to go swimming at the public pool without wearing t-shirt and shorts with it.

Sorry for the long intro! ^^;;

But anyway; my hobbies are.
Writing, swimming (when I'm alone), reading, anime, video games. I'm really just a geek pretty much.

So anyway there's my intro. lol.

Bye~ :tongue: