Hello from Scotland!


My name is Zandra. I'm completely new to this and hoping it'll help me sort out my chaotic eating & lose just a little bit of weight that has creeped on since the start of the year.

I have a terrible habit of under-eating through the week due to a very busy job & trying to fit too much in in the evenings (and being horribly picky about food but getting much better!) ... THEN I go crazy on the weekends, eating loads, especially take-aways. I'm aiming to even out my weekday and weekend eating a lot more.

I love hill-walking, bagging Munro's and currently trying to improve on my running (real running novice!).

So ... if there's anyone out there who is in a similar position with their diet, and who might have similar exercise interests please add me so we can motivate/support & get healthy! :)


  • PatByrne82
    PatByrne82 Posts: 72 Member
    real running novice here too :)

    have sent you friend request