Not Having Much Success with Weight Loss

I've tried several diets but nothing really seems to help. For the past several months, I've increased my exercise routine to 4-5 times per week at least 20-30 minutes doing the 30 day Shred by Jillian. Unfortunately, last week my left knee started to swell ( I had knee surgery 15 years ago) and have been unable to find a good workout routine that ramps the cardio. Also, I try to stick to the 1200 calorie diet and use myfitnesspal. No need to cheat myself so I log everything. I drink 4-5 bottles of Ozarka a day, take vitamins, and have even tried the Herbalife Shakes. Still I cannot lose weight. Funny thing is that I can weigh myself one day and the next day it will show that I've gained 5-7 lbs. How is this possible? My salt intake is extremely low, I use Splenda in my coffee, I eat relatively healthy but cannot break the secret to losing weight. I'm over 40 but under 50. What else can I do? Really need help. :explode:


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Calculate your BMR and TDEE, adjust your calories to be TDEE - 20% (So long as it is not under BMR).

    Most likely you are eating too few calories and your body is trying to save you thinking you are in starvation. This happens when you eat below your BMR for several days to weeks.

    BMR = Energy needed to keep you alive if you laid in bed all day
    TDEE = Energy needed to stay alive and do whatever it is you do all day (Varies with exercise level)

    Additionally, try to make sure you do not have a calorie deficit greater than 1,000 a day. Slow and steady will win the race!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I feel your frustration, I was in the same boat! I'm a bit older than you... but believe me once you hit a certain age (perimenopause - menopause) it's very difficult to lose weight! Plus you don't have a whole lot to lose, so those few pounds can be very stubborn!! What helped me is to make sure I'm getting enough protein (very difficult cause I'm not much of a carnivore). MFP's protein setting is extremely low.....I try to hit 100 grams a day. Also do not be afraid to up your calories intake overall. 1200 is very low. They body gets so used to working with too few calories so it adapts and burns even less calories causing plateaus and sluggish metabolism. Plus once you hit your 40's and 50's your metabolism slows down due to shifts in hormones. Also... strength training with 'heavier' weights is super important!! An excellent read is "New rules of lifting for women". It explains what too few of calories and excessive cardio can do to the body.

    Good Luck:flowerforyou: