You ready to get fit? I am!

...Well if so why not do it with a buddy? Hey I'm new here and I just wanted to introduce myself and look for some other people that would need inspiration or would love to give me some! :D I'm 5'3 and 140 lbs. and looking to lose 20 lbs so if you have the same goals...or even if you don't, feel free to friend me! Don't be a stranger~


  • AngeAngelaKay
    Saw in your friend request that youo are getting ready for prom! Me too!! I can't wait i just want to lose all this weight before so my dress looks good! Lol.
  • kepierce9
    kepierce9 Posts: 5
    I'm 5'7" 135 lbs looking to tone up and lose around 10 pounds and eat healthier overall! Add me :)