New :o) Having a bad day

jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
I've been on here for a while but just recently got serious, I'm 30 years old have 2 kids and weight about 193lb but I'm only 5 foot tall. I've been working out, doing Insanity for about a week now and trying to watch what I eat I've been tracking all of it. I know it's only been a week but today after doing 40 minutes of insaine cardio I took a shower and put my jeans on and just cried.... they were tighter then they were last week... I'm so frustrated. No i didn't expect them to fall off of me but I sure didn't expect them to be tighter :o( Anyway, tomorrows a new day and I'm refusing to stress eat over it and thats a huge step for me. I'm really hoping that being on here will help me get to where I need to be :o)


  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    Don't get discouraged! I've been stuck for about 3 weeks now with the scale not doing anything. Maybe it's water weight? I've never done Insanity so I don't know what it entails. Just don't give up! :flowerforyou:

    Like you said, tomorrow is another day and it'll happen. Maybe making your diary public so others can give some feedback as to what you're eating?

    Good Luck!
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you! I thought I had made my diary public I guess not :o) I know it's takes time, and I know it will get better it just sucks that I've been getting up early to do my work out eating much better then I was and it seems like I gained... if I would have at least stayed the same I wouldn't be as upset :o(
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Don't panic. My jeans did the same thing. I am now on week 4 and those jeans were too lose today. Keep at it! It will work for you if you just work it (my son says this to me all the time - I don't know how he got so wise as he just turned 13 today)
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    My son does the insanity work out.. When he first started it he retained alot of fluid, but lost it quickly. He is now buff and looking great. Keep it up and don't think of this as a diet think of it as a path to healthy.
  • mnharrington
    mnharrington Posts: 26 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It takes time for your body to respond and fluid retention happens a lot especially when you first start working out. Just take it one day at a time and stay focused on a life style change not a diet.
  • megara2484
    megara2484 Posts: 15
    Same thing happened to me. It's an easy was to get discouraged, but keep going!! You can do it!!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I've been on here for a while but just recently got serious, I'm 30 years old have 2 kids and weight about 193lb but I'm only 5 foot tall. I've been working out, doing Insanity for about a week now and trying to watch what I eat I've been tracking all of it. I know it's only been a week but today after doing 40 minutes of insaine cardio I took a shower and put my jeans on and just cried.... they were tighter then they were last week... I'm so frustrated. No i didn't expect them to fall off of me but I sure didn't expect them to be tighter :o( Anyway, tomorrows a new day and I'm refusing to stress eat over it and thats a huge step for me. I'm really hoping that being on here will help me get to where I need to be :o)

    Alright......couple questions....are you on your period? did you wash the jeans recently? how many calories are you eating a day? did you eat a lot of salt recently?

    There are so many things that can affect us! Do NOT give up that is not gonna make things better. Progress is much slower than we like about 100% of the time. You can do this, but you CANNOT give up!
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you :o) No I'm not on my period, Salt might be an issue we had chicken strips for dinner last night, The jeans were washed before I wore them but they always are unless I'm really behind on things.. Water retention could be it as well. :o) whatever the cause I'll get over it and move on. I'm not sure how much it would help but I only have two friends on MFP I'm wondering if more friends would help what do you guys think?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sure...especially when you can see THEIR diaries and get some ideas. Feel free to add me, if you wish. :)
  • cevans_rr
    cevans_rr Posts: 44 Member
    Most of the times when I increase my workout dramatically I gain 2-3 lbs due to water retention. I have learned that it always goes away! Women seem to retain water for lots of reasons but if you stay true to your eating plan and workouts it goes away eventually. Be patient and consistent and you'll lose it!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Thank you :o) No I'm not on my period, Salt might be an issue we had chicken strips for dinner last night, The jeans were washed before I wore them but they always are unless I'm really behind on things.. Water retention could be it as well. :o) whatever the cause I'll get over it and move on. I'm not sure how much it would help but I only have two friends on MFP I'm wondering if more friends would help what do you guys think?
    Setup your goals on mfp. Set them to lose 1lb per week. When heavier you will probably lose a little more than that. Start tracking your food and exercise. See what happens after a few weeks. You will notice your habits will trend toward improvement, and your body and life will reflect that! You have already noticed that salt does a number on you...the fat on your body really holds water, so excessive salt and carbs will do that. Well then, try to avoid them within reason.

    When you go to make a change, don't give up just because you run into some difficulty...adjust and keep at it. Yes, more friends make things interesting and fun, and you will often find people who have wisdom and support to offer!
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I would list sodium on yours...sodium is a killer for me so I have to watch mine
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    It takes time, sadly....Believe me, we'd all like it to fall off overnight, but it won't. Just remember, slow & steady wins the race. Plus, LOTS of people will support you here! You can do it!! :)