Is there anyone out there with a positive PCOS story?

Hey ladies,
so I know there are lots of groups on here to vent and whatnot, and that's great because we definitely need it sometimes! But everywhere I turn all I see is stories about how hard it is to lose weight. I am just wondering if anyone has lost weight and succeeded and has some inspirational stories to share? I would love to see some positive outcomes of it if they are out there :)


  • I've lost 44 took me about 4 and a half months. It came off relatively easy, especially after I started taking 1500 mg of Metformin a day. Success with PCOS is possible, I am still losing and I hope to have a baby one day. My biggest thing that is really freaking me out is that my hair is falling out and thinning, which is a symptom and it sucks and I am sad.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I've lost 44 took me about 4 and a half months. It came off relatively easy, especially after I started taking 1500 mg of Metformin a day. Success with PCOS is possible, I am still losing and I hope to have a baby one day. My biggest thing that is really freaking me out is that my hair is falling out and thinning, which is a symptom and it sucks and I am sad.

    I don't have it but my best friend does, she just had a baby! That baby will be worth the hair loss, but I know it must be hard! Xoxo
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago when I was at my highest weight of almost 170lbs. It took me 3 years for my weight to go down to 120 lbs. Still with metformin though but not because of PCOS but because I developed type 2 diabetes along with that. Despite of the weight loss, I still have some facial hair, irregular TOM & above average testosterone levels although the latter didn't give me an edge at all when it comes to building muscle (I lift heavy weights, btw).
  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    I've had PCOS for about ten years... my weight has fluctuated up and down since then but think it is more to do with my dedication, until now. The last journey I took, I lost 40 odd lbs, rather quickly. But this time I am taking my time to make sure it is a lifestyle change, not a weight loss mission. I am at 13 lbs lost since 1 June.

    I decided to stop taking any of the drugs that are prescribed for PCOS (I was on Metformin and then Clomid when I was TTC); thankfully my symptoms don't sound as bad as some of the ones I read on here but there are also success stories which are encouraging, as I would like to have children one day!

    The joys of being a woman!! :-/
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for posting your stories :)
    I had a b12 deficiency as well that made my hair fall out, once we figured out what it was and I started taking it, it was relatively quick to stop that. I now take a b complex supplement every day.
    I stopped taking all prescription meds as well. I do 1/2 tsp cinnamon a day instead of metformin, and take vitex. I am doing my best to keep my carbs under 100 grams a day and doing a lot more resistance/ strength exercise now.
    We are going to try for a baby next year, it will be my only one, so I really hope I can get pregnant.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I've lost 44 took me about 4 and a half months. It came off relatively easy, especially after I started taking 1500 mg of Metformin a day. Success with PCOS is possible, I am still losing and I hope to have a baby one day. My biggest thing that is really freaking me out is that my hair is falling out and thinning, which is a symptom and it sucks and I am sad.

    I don't have PCOS, but my close friend does and she is on baby number two! I couldn't be happier for her, it took her five years to get pregnant the first time, including fertility treatments and she was pregnant with her second before her first child turned 2. It's definitely possible and I wish you the best of luck.

    I personally had issues with an autoimmune disorder that made my hair fall out and thin, and it even made it change colors. I grew copper red hair at my left temple and then a short time later it turned grey! I've had grey hair since I was in my early twenties, but I embrace it.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hey ladies,
    so I know there are lots of groups on here to vent and whatnot, and that's great because we definitely need it sometimes! But everywhere I turn all I see is stories about how hard it is to lose weight. I am just wondering if anyone has lost weight and succeeded and has some inspirational stories to share? I would love to see some positive outcomes of it if they are out there :)

    My BFF has PCOS and she had a baby who is now 2 years old, and shes lost some weight using the body by vi shakes and supplements! Shes just started her weight loss journey, but shes lost a ton of weight already in like 2 months! Good luck! you can totally do this!!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I have PCOS and I had weight loss surgery....That did the trick. Losing weight with PCOS is ridiculously hard.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    Hey ladies,
    so I know there are lots of groups on here to vent and whatnot, and that's great because we definitely need it sometimes! But everywhere I turn all I see is stories about how hard it is to lose weight. I am just wondering if anyone has lost weight and succeeded and has some inspirational stories to share? I would love to see some positive outcomes of it if they are out there :)

    I don't have PCOS, but my close friend does, and she had a lot of success losing weight by going on a low carb diet. I believe that her diet was planned out by her doctor and a nutrionist, but losing weight is possible!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Love to hear some success stories. I hope I am able to control everything once I have lost some more weight.
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I have PCOS. I successfully lost 50 pounds a few years ago, and got pregnant pretty easily. I'm currently 16 pounds from my lowest adult weight and have lost 27 pounds since December. It is possible! I still deal with unwanted hair, as well as thinning and loss of my hair. I have tried a prescription hair removal cream with no success (it was too expensive at nearly $100/mo and insurance didn't cover it, and I was breaking out from it). I'm having some success with Rogaine for Women for the hair loss, but my doc may put me on an oral pill (Aldactone) as well to help. I've never had to take Metformin.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I stopped taking spiro a few months ago as it interacts with another medication I have to take (unrelated to pcos or weight gain generally, so no chance I'll be able to go back on it) and decided to sort myself out food-wise. My weight loss was pretty uneventful until I joined the site and started counting calories, but I did end up cutting my metformin down from 1000mg to 500mg in the first few weeks just by eating better and moving more. Tmi, maybe, but this month I got my period for the first time in about five months.

    For the record, my physical symptoms are minimal (pretty much gorilla legs and the occasional pimple on my jawline, but obviously they bother me enough to take an anti-androgen) and I lose weight pretty easily so I can't speak from a position of not being able to drop the weight or having a massive problem with, say, facial hair. But I do get pretty vile cramps, on a regular basis, period or no period and having those reduce has a huge impact on my quality of life.

    Just wanted to add, I've lost weight before, sometimes sensibly and sometimes while crash dieting. When I lose weight sensibly everything resolves and I feel fantastic, have regular periods and gradually cut down my spiro dosage to 25mg while going off metforminc ompletely. When I go on my crazy little starvation diets the cramps get worse, the occasional jawline pimple turns into the beginnings of pizza face and I'm utterly miserable. This makes me think that there's more than just weight loss involved in managing pcos.
  • emilyclaire000
    emilyclaire000 Posts: 3 Member
    I have PCOS, and I have not been able to lose the weight, or to avoid Type II diabetes. My daughter was conceived while I was taking metformin, but my son was a happy accident, so I definitely have positive stories when it comes to conceiving.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I've had PCOS for about 10 years, and have been trying to actively lose weight for about 23. Given the fluctuations, I've lost 23 lbs. I am really hopeful that I'll lose the other 50-some pounds more quickly than that, because I want nothing more than to have less symptoms! Good luck to everyone here.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Wow so great to hear all of the success everyone has had! I started getting abnormal hormone levels when I was just 14, but back then my doctor had no idea what it was so they just put me on the pill to deal with it. I never had a problem losing weight until now... when I came off the pill.
    But I want to do it all naturally, and I don't want to be on the pill for the rest of my life to control my hormones.
    I am lucky in that I have very fair skin and even though my testosterone was high, I have never had an issue with excess hair. But I do have really bad breakouts and have had hair loss in the past.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I have PCOS and I have lost 23 kg (50lbs) in 11 months. I don't do a low carb diet but I don't eat gluten. Since going gluten free I no longer have the water retention, bloating and horrible pain everyday that I used to have, not everyone with PCOS will be gluten intolerant but it is a lot easier on your belly if you are having issues so it may be an option. My weight loss has been slow but I'm not dieting, just living a healthier lifestyle, I'm also not medicated at all for my PCOS. I have 3 children, and never had issues falling pregnant or staying pregnant which apparently isn't usual, but I have never had irregular periods as a symptom of my PCOS. Just the pain, bloating, excess hair, acne, and a heap of cysts covering my ovaries. You can successfully lose weight with PCOS, just take it easy, don't freak out over gains and don't starve your body. Don't compare yourself with others because everyone is different in how we do things.

    Once I stopped treating PCOS as an excuse to be fat and unhealthy I started losing weight. It isn't an excuse to be lazy, you can lose weight and just because it may be slower doesn't mean it's not happening. Just don't give up.

    Edited to add - for those of us with excess hair.. weight loss wont fix that in my experience. I've had that since I hit puberty and it was there when I was skinny and there when I was fat and now I'm healthy it's still there. The only thing that helped slow it down a little was going on the pill.
  • lucaba31
    lucaba31 Posts: 1
    I have PCOS also and currently am not taking anything for it at this point. I mentioned taking Metformin to the Dr. and he said he doesn't want me to start taking it yet. Currently I have lost almost 70lbs with diet, exercise, and all natural vitamins and mineral complexes. It's been a really long road to this point. At one point I was slaving away in the gym about 5-6 days a week, eat 1200 calories max a day and had a little weight loss and that was completely discouraging to me. It wasn't till after I started taking my natural vitamins and minerals that the weight really started falling off. I have energy like never before and feel great. I completely recommend making sure that anyone searching for maximum health and wellness be on a high quality natural vitamin and mineral supplement regimen. Check out Youngevity line products it's what I use and I don't go a day without taking them!!
  • LC2281
    LC2281 Posts: 8
    I just logged on here to search for PCOS stories! I did lose weight a few years back by eating a low carb diet alone (I wasn't diagnosed yet, but pretty sure I had it then). I was in the 140s and got down to 118 lbs (I'm 5'3"). After my first baby I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. I weighed 158 lbs and was put on Metformin. I was also unfortunately diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. I ended up losing 10 lbs with Metformin alone and then I got pregnant again. My son is almost 4 months old now and I'm trying to lose weight with diet and exercise this time and the fat is sticking to me like glue. I'm about 148 lbs now and on Metformin only. I think I may need to cut back on the carbs (I try to eat whole wheat and grains). I'm hoping that will aid in my weight loss.
  • thisisjl
    thisisjl Posts: 1,074 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago, in August 2008 I weighed 259 I started watching my portion sizes and not snacking as much didn't do any major diet change just really paid attention to the portion sizes. Sept 2009 I weighed 214. I kept the weight off until April of this year when I got back up to 227 but now I'm back to 216 so I can pretty much say I took off 45 pounds and kept it off for 3 years now I'm on the journey to loose the remaining 70. I know I will be sucessfull because I've already lost over 1/2 that and kept it off through my divorce 2 years ago, and subsequent child/pre-teen mental health issues stemming from said divorce. I'm now ramping up my weight loss with exercise 5 days a week including cardio and weighlifting.
  • atlanticgypsy
    atlanticgypsy Posts: 51 Member
    I have PCOS coupled with Hashtimotos (a auto immune disease of the thyroid) I do not take anything for the PCOS and only take synthroid (+ some supplements) for the thyroid. I have lost 62 pounds in 5 months. I eat a modified Paleo lifestyle ( I say lifestyle because this is not a's a way of life), I do cardio 5x a week and strength train 3x a week. Feeding my body the right food coupled with the exercise and a positive mindset has made ALL the difference this time! I have tried to loose weight before and always ended giving up......not this time!!! You can do it too!!!
