
So I've taken my first steps by counting my calories and walking 2 miles everyday. So now I'm going to start the Biggest Loser Bootcamp today. The DVD has four parts. Warm up (5 minutes), 1st part Cardio (20 minutes), 2nd part Cardio (15 minutes), 3rd part Working on Arms (10 minutes), Cool Down (5 minutes). So I guess my question is how long should I workout for? Should I do part 1 and 2 or the whole thing? And how many times a week should I workout?


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Start out slow. Dont try to to exactly what they do, do 1/2 the on. You dont want to hurt yourself by over doign it and before you know it you will be doing the whole thing and looking for more!

    I bet you could do the entire workout!!
