2nd day on MyFitnessPal....does it get easier?



  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Yes, it becomes part of your daily routine. You'll find yourself checking to see the nutritional value of a food before you eat it to see if it's worth it. It took me about a week and I haven't looked back.

    Feel free to add me.
  • mmimibeth
    mmimibeth Posts: 9
    You have done quite well! Today is my first day to make it within my calorie range, and it has been a juggle for sure. I won't be able to stay at this calorie range for ever (1200), but I suppose it's a good way to shrink my stomach. I am just so disgusted with the weight I've put on that I desperately want to get it off quickly. Thanks for your input!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I'm 40 1/2 yrs old and on Day 2, too!!!
    So I guess I don't know how it gets...LOL Hopefully better and I feel less dizzy/hungry at the end of the day!

  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    It was a eye opener for me to see what the caloric value was to the food that I was eating so, I changed what I eating instead how much I ate.

    The first thing I do everyday when I wake up is drink 2 cups of water then, eat a bowl of Better Oats oatmeal (100 calories).
    I usually eat fruit or fruit leathers (45 calories) from the Stretch Island Fruit CO
    I snack on almonds
    Eat about 300 - 400 calories for lunch - it can be lunch from home or I will build a sub on Subway's website
    I try to eat a balanced dinner

    If you eat the right foods, it will curtail your appetite, especially foods high in fiber. Managing your calories to me, just means you are more selective about what you eat, not how really how much you eat.
  • johnsongs1
    johnsongs1 Posts: 47 Member
    Not fair! I only get 1420 calories per day.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Well done on being under your calorie goal. eating less energy dense foods and exercising will make it easier to stay under your goal.

    it doesn't come off quickly, but it does come off with persistence. Keep up the good work.
  • ghjklo9
    ghjklo9 Posts: 57
    It took me about 10 months and Im not joking.
  • 3Daughtersin2015
    3Daughtersin2015 Posts: 81 Member
    It does get better. Once you add exercise to it and feel that pain you'll look at food and think is it really worth it? I look at it like money. If I want a cheeseburger I have to pay with 20minutes of cardio, but it also is good to know that I CAN have a cheeseburger because all I have to do is exercise!
  • mmimibeth
    mmimibeth Posts: 9
    Aww, thanks! All of you guys on here are just what I need to make this easier. I appreciate your encouragement. :happy:
  • caseyjade88
    caseyjade88 Posts: 89 Member
    It took me about a week to get used to eating less. I still have tough days though, where my appetite is through the roof!!! I've noticed that the more you work out, the less hungry you actually are (for me anyway). And my workouts typically consist of walking for about an hour or two. Good luck! :)
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    I am usually always a bit over, but still lost 50 lbs in 6 months. The key is to record everything every single day. It will change you and change your life. Keep on trucking.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi Mary, and yes it does get easier, just hang in there! I was like no wonder I was gaining lol....I was consuming WAY too many calories. It will take awhile to adjust and then you will be a pro at it in no time:) Feel free to add me for support if you like. I've been on here awhile now:)
  • rocsings
    rocsings Posts: 13
    For me, it was really immediately .. I was ready this time. I didn't join to play, I joined to lose weight and start living a healthier lifestyle. I didn't put much thought on eating less, I put more thought in being healthy ... I've stayed around my 1200 cals consistently for the last 5 months are so. When I joined I had already lost 10 lbs. I did that without my fitness pal. If your mind is right, you can do this easier. Weight loss is a mental thing ... you can do it if you are ready ... I've lost a little over 40 lbs and I feel great ... You got this!
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    it's my second day too =] i hope this gets easier! my day one was awful, but i did well today. tomorrow i doubt i'll have time to work out, which sucks...

    we can do it! :happy:
  • santanagirl95
    Hi! First of all, don't give up! It DOES get easier... I probably annoy everyone with my knowledge of how many calories are in EVERYTHING! lol... I have been using this app for 5 1/2 months and I have lost 46 pounds and 44 inches all over... You can do it! What I do to make it easier on myself is plan out what I am going to eat for the day , and I pack my food... I take mine to work and make sure I eat a little 100 - 200 calorie snack every 2 or 3 hours... I also have my bigger meal at lunch time and then a light dinner. If you are "snackable" in the evening, popcorn isn't really that bad... Just don't get the Extra Butter kind...lol. They have 100 calorie packs to make it easy too... and Gum... I chew gum if I'm having one of those "hungry" days...and last, but not least, DON'T take everything good away... if i want ice cream, I eat it... I just buy the skinny cow truffle bars that are 100 calories each... or the Dryers Acai Blueberry bars ( 60 calories) OR the Sugar Free Dryers Fruit bars ( 25 Calories ).. My point is, I thought I had tried Everything, and NOTHING seemed to work.... But with the help of "My Fitness Pal" and "Curves" ( I go 5 days a week) I finally did it, and So can YOU! Geez, I sound like an Infomercial...lolol. Oh well! anyway... stick to it! I know You can! :) I will go make my stuff public and you can see the kind of stuff I eat... Tonight was a big dinner, but I golfed and worked out, so I could do it... Good Luck!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    It gets a lot easier! It just takes time, just try cutting out a bit more and more each day and you'll get there. :D Good luck!!
  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    YES.... definitely gets better! I was in complete shock in the first couple days. Then one day I was with my friend who's also doing this, and we just sat there putting in things we used to love... for instance:

    on a daily shopping trip-
    biscuit from Jacks= 300+ cals
    Lg Sweet tea from McD's= 270
    so that was breakfast= 570 cals

    double cheese burger- 300+
    Lg Fries= 500
    (another Mcd's) sweet tea=270
    FOr lunch 1070 cals

    on the way home we would have a hot fudge sundae with nuts and chocolate chip cookies..... about another 500+ cals...

    And then Lord, we would rush home to fix supper for our families... and I can't even begin to calculate those... but just in a shopping trip I would eat up over 2000 calories and not think twice... so tipping the scale at 222 I had to do something... It's scary when you start loggin some of your NORMAL stuff and makes you think about your choices....

    Sorry this was so long, but thought might suggest you just log a typical day and see what you WERE eating...
  • iwork4pepsi
    You have come to the right place if you are looking for help to change your lifestyle. There are many members here that have been , or are in your shoes. DO NOT GIVE UP! Trust me, it gets easier, much easier. You might not lose weight right away, but who cares, eating healthy and watching your calories is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change! If you eat right and burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Not eating right and not burning more calories than you take in, makes you gain weight, right? I'm living proof of it.
    Don't get discouraged if you don't see a weight difference over the first couple of weeks. Believe me, it's easy to get discouraged when you are doing everything right and the scale doesn't budge. Today was my 75th day here on MFP and the first day I changed my eating habits. The first 10 days, I LOST NOTHING!!!! Really, not even 2/10ths of a pound!!! My body was probably in shock with all of that healthy, low calorie stuff being put in it..lol...
    It gets easier, and when that scale starts showing a loss, it's so worth it! So, take a look at my "ticker", see that 53lbs lost? Remember, it's only been 65 days since I first showed any weight loss. YOU can do it! I know you can because you have taken the first step. Just take it one day at a time, and you will do great! I'm rooting for you! Steve
  • mmimibeth
    mmimibeth Posts: 9
    Hi--and yes, it DOES get easier as long as you stay motivated. Believe me, I know! In '97 I weighed over 320 (I don't know how much over-I got so scared I jumped off the scale!). In a little less than 18 mos., I went down to 148. But being twice-widowed AND losing my first born just after he turned 23--all in 10 yrs.-- took all the fight out of me and over the last 10 yrs, I got back up to 215. I recently went home to the midwest on a short trip and the pix taken then--well, let's say the motivation is BACK! I wanna live to be 101 and a half (Between my 2 great grandmothers) and the gal who's so beat up she has to use a cane and has thighs the size of basketballs won't make THAT goal. But I KNOW I can do it--and so can you. Just remember your motivation and that it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not a "DIET"!

    It looks like we both are starting near the same area and want to lose close to the same weight......and we joined the same month. You've got a lot of optimism. Thanks for your positive input.
  • mmimibeth
    mmimibeth Posts: 9
    You have come to the right place if you are looking for help to change your lifestyle. There are many members here that have been , or are in your shoes. DO NOT GIVE UP! Trust me, it gets easier, much easier. You might not lose weight right away, but who cares, eating healthy and watching your calories is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change! If you eat right and burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Not eating right and not burning more calories than you take in, makes you gain weight, right? I'm living proof of it.
    Don't get discouraged if you don't see a weight difference over the first couple of weeks. Believe me, it's easy to get discouraged when you are doing everything right and the scale doesn't budge. Today was my 75th day here on MFP and the first day I changed my eating habits. The first 10 days, I LOST NOTHING!!!! Really, not even 2/10ths of a pound!!! My body was probably in shock with all of that healthy, low calorie stuff being put in it..lol...
    It gets easier, and when that scale starts showing a loss, it's so worth it! So, take a look at my "ticker", see that 53lbs lost? Remember, it's only been 65 days since I first showed any weight loss. YOU can do it! I know you can because you have taken the first step. Just take it one day at a time, and you will do great! I'm rooting for you! Steve

    Wow, Steve! What a great weight loss in under three months. I bet you feel amazingly confident now. Thanks. You all on these message boards are a huge help to me.