Sister Shut Down



  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Is she heavy as well? I've found that my "dieting" bothers my other heavy friends who aren't ready to do (or feel that they don't need to do) anything about their weight.


    It's a defence mechanism usually deployed by people who know they need to change but aren't ready to do anything about it.

    She might come round, but then she might not. Don't let that put you off addressing your own health and wellbeing.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Wow, your poor sister. It sounds like there's been a whole lot of change for her this year, and not happy change either. Maybe what she needs is reassurance that you are not going to change just because you are eating healthier? Or it could be that she knows someone who has an eating disorder, and is worried the same will happen to you.

    It seems to me that what's needed here is a lot of reassurance, but also you continuing to make healthier choices.
  • DivaDiba0212
    I think what I am going to do is be discreet around her, but be proud of what I am doing still. My Mom especially loves talking about the fun facts she has found out about our food intake, and I enjoy talking it over with her. So maybe while my sister is out of the room and can continue speaking openly.

    I also won't go behind her for food at my own house. There has to be some kind of compromise when we are at our parents house together but I'm not the pick a fight kinda lady so it will just go smoothly.

    I agree with all of you on many different things, like her thinking I'm getting at her or whatever, as well as needing reassurance right now. She has had a lot going on for her, it has been a really hard time for our whole family. Plus she HATES change, so the fact 3 of us are doing this all at the same time is probably overwhelming for her.

    She is beginning color guard this year at school so hopefully that will give her the confidence boost and push she needs to start something for herself, but I won't push her or ask about it until she is ready. She is beautiful, I just wish she would see it.

    Thanks again to all who have posted feedback, I feel so much better.