Fit through the holidays fitness challenge and free prizes a


This challenge is designed to help you through that difficult time of year... the Holidays! Many people complain of gaining weight during this time of year due to all of the yummy foods available in combination with the shortening of the days.

When does it start? October 12th
When does it end? December 31st

Interested? Get started simply by sending me an email at stating that you're interested in the holidays fitness challenge and weekly newsletter and I will send you everything you need to know to take part in the holiday fitness challenge. There will be free prizes so don't put this off :)



  • metalpalace
    Wow! I have gotten a GREAT response to my email address from this thread I posted just a couple hours ago. Thank you everyone for committing to staying fit through the holidays! :smile:

    I figured I should show my gratitude and at the same time bring this back to the top of the page so more people see it and commit to staying fit through the holidays :drinker:

  • metalpalace
    Responses to my email address are starting to taper off so I figure it's time to bump this back to the top of the thread again so more new people see the fitness challenge. Don't put off emailing me at too much longer as the contest starts oct 12th, just 12 days away! Let's start the new year of 2010 guilt free :smile:
  • metalpalace
    7 more days till Oct 12th; the beginning of the holiday season fitness challenge. I have forty plus strong and counting so far. This is an interactive TEAM effort complete with regular meetups, discussions, and even a facebook interactive group.

    With only 7 days to go to enter don't put it off any longer email today :) Let's stay fit or get fit together through the most common time of the year for all out relapses!
  • metalpalace
    Five more just signed up since I updated this thread just a few hours ago. Our group is now over fifty people strong!

    Take part in this fitness challenge to the end and you won't have to worry about setting a new years resolution for 2010 :wink: :drinker:

    Email at to join our holidays fitness challenge group.
  • metalpalace
    Only 3 days to go. We are over sixty people strong for this challenge nearing 70!

    Email me ASAP TODAY
  • metalpalace
    2 days to go till the Fit through the holidays challenge starts! We are over 70 people strong lets keep going! email me asap to get yourself entered into the challenge and free prize giveaway.
  • metalpalace
    One more day to go! We are over 80 people strong in our group certain to reach 90 or more by tomorrow. Email me Today!
  • metalpalace
    Our group has reached a hundred people! I'm proud of each and every one of you taking up the Holiday fitness challenge :smile:
  • metalpalace
    We are getting all kinds of emails asking if it's too late to enter into the Holiday fitness challenge so we decided to extend the entry deadline to Oct. 15th.

    Every time I bump this thread back up to the top of the category we get more new emails. The 19th is as far back as we can push the deadline and still keep it fair to everyone else so Email me at Quickly if you would like to participate
  • metalpalace
    Thank you so much to every one who is participating. We actually reached upward of a hundred people for our group. If you havent signed up and would like to you still may but you will no longer be eligible for the free prize drawings to keep it fair to those who did sign up by the deadline. It's still a great motivational and support tool to use not to mention a great opportunity to meet new people so don't hesitate to join us :smile: