breakfast for non-egg eaters

pamperedlinny Posts: 1,578 Member
I was thinking of making breakfast burritos or other grab & go breakfasts in advance. Something I could put together and freeze or store and then grab and eat (or microwave & eat) on my way out the door. However, all the burritos, muffins, etc all seem to be made of egg or tofu (I don't like the texture of tofu). Does anyone have any ideas for me?


  • kirsty_mc
    kirsty_mc Posts: 35 Member
    This would really handy for me know as I'm actually allergic to egg so most healthy "go to" breakfasts contain egg.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Is there a specific reason you are avoiding egg? It's basically natures ultimate superfood.
  • jenmcca
    jenmcca Posts: 3
    She doesn't like eggs. Not even mayonnaise.

    I'm a fruit smoothie girl for breakfast myself.
  • sarahs1972
    I can't digest eggs well in the morning. My breakfasts usually consist of a brown rice tortilla with peanut butter and all fruit spread.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Breakfast on-the-go for me is some fruit and a whey protein shake.
  • TMarieB30
    TMarieB30 Posts: 24
    I make a breakfast smoothie with your choice of fruit, whey protein, spinach, and almond milk. It curbs the hunger very well until lunch.
  • Appleham
    Appleham Posts: 1
    I have a slim-fast every morning, because it's something I can virtually eat on the way to work! I don't know if it's the best alternative, but it works for me!
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member

    Jimmy Deans makes a Sausage wrapped in a pancake and I know it's not good for you, but I imagine you could make your own. Pick a healthy sausage and then a healthy batter(which you could probably go gluten-free too), make them up, bake them and freeze. Then just pop in the microwave in the AM and bam breakfast on a stick. Just a spur of the moment idea.
  • sistasledge101
    maybe something like a southwest burrito, black beans, salsa, no eggs, could add some ground turkey or something.
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    What about oatmeal? There's another thread floating around this morning about overnight oatmeal. Maybe check it out? Or Google it?

    I also do baked potatoes for breakfast. Who says your first meal of the day has to be "breakfast" foods? Eat what you like, what fits into your dietary goals, and enjoy it! In Korea, I had Korean sushi for breakfast a few times.

    Good luck!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I like the Smoothis idea...I need to learn how to make those! :) They would be WONDERFUL for breakfast!!
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Banana. Yogurt. Parfait made with yogurt and oats/ granola/ nuts. Nuts. Oatmeal energy bars. Fruit bowl. Instant cereal and a thermos of hot water. Instant oatmeal and a thermos of hot water. Cereal bars. Protein bars. Smoothies with veggies and fruit.
  • dmgwalsh
    dmgwalsh Posts: 11
    I usually have yogurt with berries, whey protein and a little kashi cereal and flax seeds. Not a to go breakfast, but not bad.

    The smoothies sound pretty good. I could even do them with yogurt (probiotic for digestion) berries, whey and whatever I wanted to throw in the blender.
  • jenmcca
    jenmcca Posts: 3
    OH! I would also do dinner leftovers for breakfast. Put them in a burrito. Oh yes.

    Do you like salmon salad? I used to eat it all the time for breakfast.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    You could cook up some peppers and onions with some turkey breakfast sausage, wrap those up into burritos, freeze, then grab as needed for breakfasts.
    Beans and rice with turkey sausage wrapped into burritos would also make a great freezable grab and go kind of breakfast that would keep you feeling satisfied for quite a while until lunch.
    Bananas with graham crackers are a good choice, and the flavors complement each other.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Protein shake.

    What about steak? Or chicken? Who says breakfast has to be traditional breakfast food?
  • laurie0507
    laurie0507 Posts: 92 Member
    If you are after burrito ideas with out the egg you could use chicken sausage, brats, or some John Morrell sausage.. you could add onions, peppers, mushrooms.. cook it all up and put it in a burrito.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I also do baked potatoes for breakfast. Who says your first meal of the day has to be "breakfast" foods? Eat what you like, what fits into your dietary goals, and enjoy it! In Korea, I had Korean sushi for breakfast a few times.

    Good luck!

    I agree! I am not a big fan of "breakfast" type foods either, except as dinner. :laugh:
    Do you like cottage cheese? I eat that since it is a good source of protein as well. I also have made a turkey sandwich, maybe you could make a turkey wrap the night before? I don't put dressing on mine if I make it the night before, I just dip it in dressing as I eat it.

    I'm curious as to what other people suggest too. I have found if I eat something primarily carbs for breakfast, I am starving 2 hours later.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I like a fruit smoothie made with frozen berries because it is more substantial than a protein shake and just as quick as microwaving something. You need (ideally) a small single-serving blender:

    1 cup milk (try unsweetened Almond Milk, but skim works just fine)
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1/2 cup frozen berries (still frozen - I buy them in sacks from the frozen food section at Costco)
    a pack of sweetner if needed to taste

    Dump in blender cup. Blend well.
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    I do the shakeology shakes for breakfast. You can add the liquid of your choice, yogurt, fruit, etc and make it different every day. Very healthy but very expensive. However, the one month supply usually last me about 7 weeks, since I only have them on weekdays. On weekend mornings I have cereal or eggs.