60 plus.



  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    Just turned 61 and while it has its own problems I also think that being older is helping me loose weight!...I have been overweight since my late 30,s when I took ill and have had health issues ever since. Every year it seemed as though more pounds went on until I plateaued about 4 years ago and stayed at that weight. I had tried dieting every now and then, but quickly lost interest and blamed my weight and lack of fitness on my health.

    Over last Christmas I put on another 7lb and also had my back lock on me twice, once on Christmas eve (which left me chair
    bound and not able to do anything on Christmas day, not fun when you live on your own!) ...I finally saw the light and decided I needed to do something now.

    So 3 months ago I went to my doctor and asked her to send me to the gym were there is a 12 week exercise plan for people with disabilities. I have now been on it for 6 weeks, I go once and sometimes twice a week and I love "pulling" weights!....I've bought a 2nd hand exercise bike and to ensure I don't loose interest have started to work out the mileage I've done and have begun a blog of my "virtual tour of the UK"....I've also started pilates, and go weekly....as well as all that I am watching my calorie intake.

    I have lost 12lb in 14 weeks, I wish it was more but I am happy that I am loosing weight and as importantly am feeling so much fitter.........Yes its harder to loose weight as being older for me means I am not as active as I was in my 20's, but I am more determind now, I don't care about what friends, family think about my new way of life, I don't have peer pressure about drinking (or not), I am secure in who I am and what I want to achieve and that for me has come about as I've got older.
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I celebrated the 19th anniversary of my 49th birthday this year! I don't know if I have different problems than anyone else-just takes me longer to accomplish whatever. This site has been key in staying in excellent shape. Add me as a friend if you like! Good luck to all.
  • earthmomsb
    61 here. Live in The Villages, Florida, where everything is FOOD- FOOD- FOOD.
    Gained weight when I moved here, and now can't get in to any of my clothes comfortably.
    Also looking for friends to help support me when I want that chocolate chip cookie!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The older you are the tougher it gets. Period.
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    The older you are the tougher it gets. Period.

    All the more reason for younger people to lose weight when young.
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I'm almost 71 and have been on MFP since the last day of 2011, after a fall at the end of October, which really made me realise how the weight had crept on (again). I am very aware that there are all sorts of possible health problems around the corner, which mean I find some of the things those with younger bodies can do are probably more difficult for me, but there are bonuses, too, that we have more leisure in retirement to go to the gym or go walking, spend time on the computer giving and receiving support on this super site, and also planning and shopping for our food - so like everything, it is swings and roundabouts.

    I am happy to friend anyone, just send a request, mentioning this thread, and I will accept you (increasing age means I don't always remember where I came across you!).

    Another possibility is to start a group.. which is very easy to do .. but if you and one or two others become the moderators of that group, you will need to spend a little time encouraging those who join ... go to Groups, and follow the instructions on Start a New Group. I have started a couple... one for Portsmouth UK people, and another for those with lots of pounds to shed, but have neglected them, and they have had hardly any posts in the last few weeks. But go for it...
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi I actually went for a jog this morning did 12k mixture of walk and run. I saw 2 herons and 2 swans with 5 cynets; it was so peaceful, slightly misty buit already getting hotter; summer is finally coming to the UK
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    :glasses: :glasses:
    Hi I actually went for a jog this morning did 12k mixture of walk and run. I saw 2 herons and 2 swans with 5 cynets; it was so peaceful, slightly misty buit already getting hotter; summer is finally coming to the UK

    Sunny East Sussex here. I had a great walk with Dara Dog. He sets the pace and makes me keep up.
  • Marree2
    Marree2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Iam 60 and looking for friends please add TIA
  • Marree2
    Marree2 Posts: 4 Member
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    Love the profile pic. You are a cool cat. Would you like to join the new group? We are the Slimming Sixties? Tinlis:flowerforyou:
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, 63 here and I see that men, even over 60 will lose easier than women. Darn hormones! :wink:
    I'm having an especially difficult it,e right now with so many life changes, my father's passing and then 3 weddings this year.
    If any one has a clue - the only one I can offer is walk, walk, walk, Long Slow Distance.. My husband manages to look slimmer just walking, but I log in every bite & each pound is a battle.
    I dieted quite severely when young and this is the price I pay, my body fights every ounce. :ohwell:
    What is "Slimming Sixties?"
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    Hi kutterbam,
    Are you English? It dosen't matter, but you sound english to me. I have started a group for over sixties and am waiting for OUR messiah. I am no good on PC but perhaps someone OVER 60 could take over the group and help US.:flowerforyou: