Exercise DVD's and Programs

Do any of the DVD weight-loss systems work? Or is it just the same as going to the gym yourself and kicking your own butt? I Don't want to spend money on something that might get put on the shelves for being too repetitive or the same amount of effort as I may be doing myself.
If any does work, what type of program would you recommend to keep on the shelf for a day of not wanting to go the gym?


  • MsFargo
    MsFargo Posts: 27
    We're all different so what might work for me, may not work for you. Currently I've shelved all of my videos but I know that I'll use them again so I'm keeping them.

    The best place to "try out" videos is: http://www.collagevideo.com/

    I've had great service from Collage Videos.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    Thanks! I'll check it out
  • AshQuill
    AshQuill Posts: 11 Member
    You may be able to check exercise videos from your local library
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I use Netflix and Youtube for my videos. I have some old ones that I've shelved but most of the time I don't bring them back out...I buy new ones because usually something changes (science - even exercise science- changes constantly). Youtube has Jillian Michael's Shred video....worth taking a look at for free.

    I did bring back out my wii board and my wii active and wii fit...but again...science changes and I find myself buying new software lol. I can tell you that the wii active kicks my butt.

    I have Insanity and P90x videos that someone gave me and I plan to use when I am fit enough. Those dvd's I've seen people use over and over again.

    I've bought several used work out videos on ebay for a fraction of the cost. Maybe look there to save a little $$.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    Search Jillian Michaels on youtube, some of her videos are on there.

    http://litealloy.com/ for some free mostly bodyweight intense workouts.

    But to answer your question, yes these videos do work as long as you eat at a calorie deficit and excercise. Will they get boring? Yes I find they do. That is why I switch it up.
    I don't have the time to decicate to the gym but I use my own bodyweight and have invested in some basic equipment plus videos. 8 pounds to go!
  • sarrylove
    sarrylove Posts: 88
    I am currently doing Turbo Fire and I find it to be a great DVD program. Different routines each day so you don't get the same class everyday (which I would get bored with). I have had great results so far....18lbs. lost and 14 inches.
  • MsFargo
    MsFargo Posts: 27
    I, too, have P90x...but am not yet fit enough to start them. I tried a couple of times when the first 15 minutes kicked my butt - then I was too sore to continue through the entire first week - even the first 15 minutes of each DVD.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    We're all different so what might work for me, may not work for you. Currently I've shelved all of my videos but I know that I'll use them again so I'm keeping them.

    The best place to "try out" videos is: http://www.collagevideo.com/

    I've had great service from Collage Videos.

    Yes - COLLAGE is great! I always check here (and totalfitnessdvds.com too) before buying.

    Also you might look into Netflix. I rented Netflix DVDs (by mail) just for workouts for many, many months. This gave me a "wishlist" of DVDs that I would use often. Netflix has a few DVD workouts that are instant streaming ... but WAY MORE by mail.

    I can't stand to do a workout on YouTube .... DVDs have chaptering, programing, and music off, options .... sometimes you get what you pay for (but that's just me).

    Also check your local library ... they have videos as well. I do videos excusively, that way I have "no excuses."
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Most do work but you have to stick to them and observe strict nutrition practices while following the programs. Some are better than others but in the end the best program is the one you have the easiest time sticking with as 80% of it is diet anyway.
  • tasia29
    tasia29 Posts: 12
    I think it's whatever you like. I do both. Plus I bike commute. Some days the idea of going to the gym and working out inside is enough to drive me crazy so I might take my laptop outside with my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD (which I swear by). Some days I know I'm only going to be serious about working out if I head to the gym.
  • butterfly10398
    I am a HUGE Jillian Michaels fans, I am in the process of collecting all of her work out DVD's. They are amazing, and there are a lot of them to give you variety. Right now I am working on making it thru the Ripped in 30 DVD.
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    I normally go to the gym 5-6 days per week for 2-3 hours lifting and also doing cardio.

    Jillians 30 Day Shred still continues to kick my butt, has me sweating like a pig, and it's only 25 minutes (with 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down)

    Highly recommened and it's only about $10.

    Search 30DS results on the forum if you don't believe me!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    try looking some up on youtube.. its free, and you can see if you like it.. 30 day shred is killing me right now, but i also just did a leslie sansone walk at home for 1 mile and it was awesome.. 40 minutes total and i got my whole workout in. Good luck!~
  • osusars
    osusars Posts: 21
    I did the JM 30 Day Shred and am working on the Ripped in 30. They are amazing. ~30 minutes a day of circuit training. It was great to start with and build up my muscles. Now I do that and run :-) I lost a lot of inches, not so much weight as first because I was building so much muscle. They're only ~$8 on amazon.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Try Turbo Jam. It was fun and it you keep up with it for ten weeks you will see results. I went from 120 to 105 doing that workout.
  • xtanea
    xtanea Posts: 17
    I've done P90x and I liked it, but I'm doing Turbo Fire now and I think it's more my style. More fun. =) Do your research, find one that you like and stick with it, and it'll work!
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I am currently doing Turbo Jam and 30 day shred,I like Beach Body products because they have the 30 day guarantee,if u find you don't like them or you're not using them,send them back,they have really great choices and they plan out exactly what exercise u should be doing on what day. I've had really good progress with them but no workout is going to work if you're not enjoying it and committed to doing it.
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    I use a combo of dvds. I have Jillian Michaels Shred it with weights, 30 day shred, 6 week 6 pack, and Zumba videos. I mix it up through the week and it has really helped me shed the pounds and get into better shape. I seen and felt a huge difference the first week!
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    I started out with 30 Day shred, and a kettlebell video.. then moved on to Beachbody videos (LOVE!) I've used P90x, and now Insanity.. and they both kick your butt. You just need to find something you like :)
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    just remember that everything doesn't work for everybody and regardless of the workout program you choose you have to be mentally ready and dedicated to see it through. you're gonna get tired, sore, pissed and down right frustrated but just don't quit!!!