Hey guys,

I have been doing well the last few days and managing only to eat maybe 200 or so calories under the 1,200 cal mark. I'm not doing it purposely, it's just the foods in my house at the moment are quite fatty and convenient as I have just started this diet! So I am trying to eat very little of it, or have an alternative!

So, question is, does your body actually go into starvation mode and pile on the pounds, OR is just this when you are SERIOUSLY below your daily cal intake?

Advice would be so appreciated, thanks :)


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    "starvation mode" is a horribly overused phrase.

    The reality is that we are all a little different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

    For me, personally, when I undereat I tend to plateau. My workout performance also suffers badly, my workout MOTIVATION suffers even more. So while I am not a nutritionist or a dietician, I can feel that something is going on with my body and the stalled weight loss tells me that I'm probably not burning as many calories as I think I am. A few hundred calories makes a big difference. For me.

    It is true that you won't actually go into a metabolically dangerous state (if you are otherwise healthy) by going a few hundred calories a day under. But in your case, your goal is already at what the site and most reading I've done supports as a minimum caloric intake. And you're eating below that. I don't think you are doing your body or your weight loss any favors by doing so, but you have to experiment to see what works for you.

    If you're going to eat at very low caloric intake, at least do your body a favor and make sure that you are getting a decent mix of macros (fat, carbs, protein, emphasis on protein) and all your micros (vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, etc). The last thing you want to do is deprive your body of necessary nutrients.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think I'm misunderstanding - you're only eating 200 calories a day?:noway:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Starvation mode doesn't instantly flip on. It is usually a long term thing. The body can shrug off not eating a lot a couple days in a row. Its when it becomes the rule rather than the exception that the body starts thinking something's up.

    I am in the same boat as you. I am having trouble eating 1200+ calories a day with whats in the house... choice is usually a salad and chicken for like 300 calories or some insanely unhealthy boxed meal for 900 lol.

    Just try to eat above your BMR, less than your TDEE at sedimentary, throw in some exercise calories to up the deficit, and keep the deficit between 500 and 1000 calories a day.
  • thinnnnnnner
    I was wondering about this also. And why is 1200 the magic number? I'm a pretty petite person (I'm only 5') and I feel like what puts the average person into "starvation mode" probably shouldn't be the same for me since my healthy weight should be less than someone who is taller. Help!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think I'm misunderstanding - you're only eating 200 calories a day?:noway:

    I think she's only undereating by 200 or so calories.

    Don't worry about starvation mode. Your BMR can decrease some at very low calorie levels but it's small and temporary. Try to get enough protein to protect your lean body mass. You physically can't 'pile on the pounds' eating at a deficit. All that happens is you lose slower than your original numbers would predict.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I think 1200 is the "magic number" because it is RARE to find someone with a BMR that low. Additionally, MyFitnessPal does NOT look at what your BMR is. So, it arbitrarily sets 1200 as the minimum, no matter what your goals.
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    Starvation mode doesn't instantly flip on. It is usually a long term thing. The body can shrug off not eating a lot a couple days in a row. Its when it becomes the rule rather than the exception that the body starts thinking something's up.

    I am in the same boat as you. I am having trouble eating 1200+ calories a day with whats in the house... choice is usually a salad and chicken for like 300 calories or some insanely unhealthy boxed meal for 900 lol.

    Just try to eat above your BMR, less than your TDEE at sedimentary, throw in some exercise calories to up the deficit, and keep the deficit between 500 and 1000 calories a day.

    It's completely frustrating! I can imagine when I get the next shop in, it will be a different story and I'll be smashing the 1200 calories, it's just at the moment it's a little frustrating as it's either, as you say, salad and chicken or insanely unhealthy boxed crap!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Im scared of fictitious monsters too.....
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    "starvation mode" is a horribly overused phrase.

    The reality is that we are all a little different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

    For me, personally, when I undereat I tend to plateau. My workout performance also suffers badly, my workout MOTIVATION suffers even more. So while I am not a nutritionist or a dietician, I can feel that something is going on with my body and the stalled weight loss tells me that I'm probably not burning as many calories as I think I am. A few hundred calories makes a big difference. For me.

    It is true that you won't actually go into a metabolically dangerous state (if you are otherwise healthy) by going a few hundred calories a day under. But in your case, your goal is already at what the site and most reading I've done supports as a minimum caloric intake. And you're eating below that. I don't think you are doing your body or your weight loss any favors by doing so, but you have to experiment to see what works for you.

    If you're going to eat at very low caloric intake, at least do your body a favor and make sure that you are getting a decent mix of macros (fat, carbs, protein, emphasis on protein) and all your micros (vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, etc). The last thing you want to do is deprive your body of necessary nutrients.

    Thanks for the advice, as I said I am definitely not purposely doing this, I take vitamins every day etc so I am guessing that should help, things should get back on track with the next shop, I can get everything healthy in and fade out the boxed crap!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey guys,

    I have been doing well the last few days and managing only to eat maybe 200 or so calories under the 1,200 cal mark. I'm not doing it purposely, it's just the foods in my house at the moment are quite fatty and convenient as I have just started this diet! So I am trying to eat very little of it, or have an alternative!

    So, question is, does your body actually go into starvation mode and pile on the pounds, OR is just this when you are SERIOUSLY below your daily cal intake?

    Advice would be so appreciated, thanks :)

    BTW you arent eating enough.

    Just so I can clarify...

    Post your:
    How often you work out.

    I'll post from 2 different sources what you should be eating daily to lose fat.
  • HaloKelly1
    HaloKelly1 Posts: 17
    Hey guys,

    I have been doing well the last few days and managing only to eat maybe 200 or so calories under the 1,200 cal mark. I'm not doing it purposely, it's just the foods in my house at the moment are quite fatty and convenient as I have just started this diet! So I am trying to eat very little of it, or have an alternative!

    So, question is, does your body actually go into starvation mode and pile on the pounds, OR is just this when you are SERIOUSLY below your daily cal intake?

    Advice would be so appreciated, thanks :)

    BTW you arent eating enough.

    Just so I can clarify...

    Post your:
    How often you work out.

    I'll post from 2 different sources what you should be eating daily to lose fat.

    I'm 19, I am 5'9, I weigh 162 lbs at the moment and I don't work out as of yet, however my treadmill will be set up soon, so that will be a daily occurence.

    As I said, I am not purposely eating low amounts, I'm just trying to pick through the relatively healthy food that is left in my house before I do a larger shop, which will be in about a weeks time.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey guys,

    I have been doing well the last few days and managing only to eat maybe 200 or so calories under the 1,200 cal mark. I'm not doing it purposely, it's just the foods in my house at the moment are quite fatty and convenient as I have just started this diet! So I am trying to eat very little of it, or have an alternative!

    So, question is, does your body actually go into starvation mode and pile on the pounds, OR is just this when you are SERIOUSLY below your daily cal intake?

    Advice would be so appreciated, thanks :)

    BTW you arent eating enough.

    Just so I can clarify...

    Post your:
    How often you work out.

    I'll post from 2 different sources what you should be eating daily to lose fat.

    I'm 19, I am 5'9, I weigh 162 lbs at the moment and I don't work out as of yet, however my treadmill will be set up soon, so that will be a daily occurence.

    As I said, I am not purposely eating low amounts, I'm just trying to pick through the relatively healthy food that is left in my house before I do a larger shop, which will be in about a weeks time.

    Just remember that ANY food eaten in a defcit will result in weight loss.

    So you can have a box of HoHos and if you are burning more cals a day than you eat, youll lose weight.

    Heres Fat 2 Fits results.

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is >>>>>>1595 calories.<<<<<<

    How Many Calories Should I Eat?
    Based on your goal weight, the following chart was generated. The chart shows the number of calories that you should eat on a daily basis to reach your goal weight. At Fat 2 Fit Radio we advocate eating like the thin, healthy person that you want to become. The calorie levels you see in the chart are not extreme, but they do create that all important caloric deficit that is required to get you to your goal weight in a safe manner. Once you reach your goal weight, you will continue eating the same number of calories for the rest of your life to maintain that weight. You'll never be on a diet again.

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point.

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1914
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2193 <---Right now you are this.
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2472 <---once you workout youll be this.
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2751
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3031

    If you eat anything below the light activity number youll lose weight.
    Under the Harris Benedict Formula I pointed to your BMR.
    Try never to eat below that number.

    Heres my calcs:

    BMR 1577
    TDEE 2168

    Eating fatty foods isnt a bad thing.
    I eat tons of fatty foods on rest days.
    Its if you push yourself into a caloric surplus that the fatty foods become an issue.
    Eating fat isnt bad.

    So just eat.
    And log your food.
    And stay below 2100 cals and above 1600.
    Youll lose inches in no time.

    Today i'll push my fat intake way up.
    I'm excited about it!
    I'll just stay below what I burn and i'll remain lean!

  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Biggest problem of just "eating" is that when the food choices are horrifyingly unhealthy, it becomes difficult, EXTREMELY difficult to come within a good range of the goal.

    Small things like chips and salsa, small cookies, etc, really help to reach the goal and manage calories when low. But, sometimes homes are just plainly out of such things. She's said this isn't intentional and will be changed once she gets to shop.

    I am simply saying that a few days below BMR will not cause her body to freak out.

    But yes, definitely eat above BMR and below TDEE!
  • ichigo007
    ichigo007 Posts: 97
    You should never eat less than 1200 cal/day wether you are male or female it will mess your metabolism up. so like Helloitsdan said the range she said looks like a lot more healthy specially since she used your TDEE and BMR to factor your range.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I totally identify with you on this thing myself
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    Im scared of fictitious monsters too.....
    LOL love this! I personally don't believe in starvation mode.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Metabolism is stifled when calories are restricted, so just follow the MFP recommendations and forget all absurd notions about "starvation mode"...:bigsmile:
    This is how MFP works
    And Tips for Newbies
    Just get started by going into settings to Update diet/fitness profile.
    Set your goals for 1 lb weight loss per week.
    NO MORE!
    And eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Do both cardio and resistance exercise.
    Log in those exercises to your MFP exercise diary.
    Remember, this is not a race, and you can reach your goals if you stick to a good plan as recommended on this site.

    You have many people here ready to lend support, answer qustions and discuss any challenges.
    You can do this.

    All Is Possible!
  • beezlebubb
    beezlebubb Posts: 23 Member
    I was wondering about this also. And why is 1200 the magic number? I'm a pretty petite person (I'm only 5') and I feel like what puts the average person into "starvation mode" probably shouldn't be the same for me since my healthy weight should be less than someone who is taller. Help!

    Even if you are 4'10" and 95 lbs, your BRM is still above 1200 (according to basic calculations). Unless you are not active or exercising at all, that should be the minimum-ish.
    As far as starvation mode being lower for you, yes, it probably is... but not by much. Just try to be healthful and listen to your body.
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    try eat more to weigh less on mfp this has been a huge help to me
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Im scared of fictitious monsters too.....
    LOL love this! I personally don't believe in starvation mode.

    I believe in it. But I look at it more from scientific data. It is not something that happens from skipping a meal or even eating low a day or a week. It occurs after a LONG time. Like, months... but we're a talented bunch and we set people right WAAYYYY before that ever becomes a problem.