How often do you exercise?

Hi Everyone! I wanted to send this question out to see what types of exercise routines y'all are into.

My main inquiry is this: I'm 5'8, 158 and have about 20 pounds to lose. Since I started my "health kick" I've been trying to exercise as often as possible. I'm starting to notice that if I skip a day, I get upset with myself and don't feel as good - I also feel like I should eat much less.

Is this feeling of skipping a day of exercise normal? Should I be exercising every single day of the week? (my typical routine involves 30 minutes of intense elliptical and then lifting weights and crunches).

I'm just not sure how to deal with this - I thought that 4/5 days a week of exercise was enough, but the feeling I get when I miss a day is just plain bad. I want to lose this weight as quickly as possible - should I just suck it up and go 7 days a week?


  • w292737
    w292737 Posts: 25
    I try to exercise 7 days a week. but if I have to miss I have to miss. I do feel a little down/icky about it, but I try to not beat myself up.

    I always eat within my caolories allowed no matter what
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    I have started working out 5 days a week and take the weekends off. It works well for me and I get more energy through the week. I can tell a big difference when I dont work out though.
  • bbateman123
    bbateman123 Posts: 67 Member
    I think the best answer to a question like this is whatever works best for you and allows you to maintain a good exercise regimen. I am exercising 6 days a week following JMBR currently.
  • annieu613
    annieu613 Posts: 143 Member
    I try to have one rest day a week, where I either do nothing or just take a walk or something easy. I usually exercise 6 days/week, sometimes 2x/day.

    I do feel like I should be doing something on rest days, but I also know that my body needs a break. It's healthy to take rest days, because your body really does need to recover.
  • amybeth83
    amybeth83 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all :)
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I exercise at least five times a week. Three days a week I run/jog and take a "rest" day between those three days. One the days I don't run I use my elliptical. I try to get at least one rest day in each week, sometimes two. On my rest days I will still do something, usually a walk with my husband and dog.

    Your body needs rest days. If you are lifting you need to give your muscles time to repair themselves. Lifting everyday isn't a great idea as it doesn't allow your muscle to repair themselves (I could be wrong, it's what I have read and been told).
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I box for an hour on Monday/Sat am and Tues/Thurs pm. I also run 2.5 miles Tues-Fri am. When I started out, I was only doing Tues/Thurs boxing workouts and steadily crept up.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    Is this feeling of skipping a day of exercise normal? Should I be exercising every single day of the week? (my typical routine involves 30 minutes of intense elliptical and then lifting weights and crunches).

    I'm just not sure how to deal with this - I thought that 4/5 days a week of exercise was enough, but the feeling I get when I miss a day is just plain bad. I want to lose this weight as quickly as possible - should I just suck it up and go 7 days a week?

    Look you didn't gain this weight as quickly as possible so you aren't going lose it just like that.

    I don't recommend working out every single day of the week. You need to have rest so your body and muscles can repair.

    I work out 5-6 days a week, it just depends on how my body feels. I don't go to the gym if I know I can't give it 110% while I am there. I start of with a light 5-10 jog. Then I hit the weights like a mad woman. After I will do 20-30 minutes of cardio (unless its leg day, then I waddle out of the gym). Also I focus on just one body part per workout. That isn't for everyone, but it works for me.
  • Canuckle31
    It was just this year that I started getting relatively active, and I lost 20lbs in 3 months, but I plan on going lower (currently 6'4" ~220lbs).

    Currently, I play soccer anywhere from 1-3 days a week (so 90 minutes each time of cardio) PLUS I bike to work and back as much as I can (30 minutes of cardio as often as I can) plus inbetween days of soccer now, I'm trying to get back on P90X. I did P90X plus soccer, and a jogging routine to shed the first 20lbs, but I'm trying to get down to at least 210 before September.

    Did I mention I'm planning on a bike tour where I'll be doing 150km? :-)

    I try to something EVERY day if possible. Otherwise, it just doesn't feel right. And it sets a great example for all of my kids.