Looking for some motivation/friends!

Hi, I'm new to the site, I've done the whole starting a weight loss thing before and am usually okay. my problem is if i have a bad day i give up. i think this is because I'm doing it on my own most of the time. so would love to meet some new people who can help me and hopefully i can help you too! :) positive attitude goes a long way I guess! i currently 179.6 and looking to lose around 30lbs. :) thanks for any help/advice/clue to how this website works! Laura x


  • adamskidx
    adamskidx Posts: 7
    obviously you know i'm in the same boat so i thought i'd follow this post ..good luck to us both!!!
  • isyan82
    isyan82 Posts: 2
    Im using MFP for just a week now and have already lost 2 kgs (4.4lbs). It really helps you to see which food is OK to have, and what you should not eat because it will make you go over your calorie goal. I dont like exercising that much (I only do half an hour walks, and I go to work by bicycle also 30 minutes a day) so the only way is to not eat those calorie monsters and to eat more consciously at every meal. What they say about losing weight is that 70% of it comes from your diet. If you eat too much you need to exercise more, luckily Im pretty strong at not eating stuff.

    My first goal is to lose 15 kgs (around 30 lbs) as well. Im 5"8 and weigh 108 kgs (238lbs) today, and can use all the support from other people trying to lose weight to reach my goal. I'll add you and we'll go through this struggle together :))