1200 calories food ideas!



  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Protein will help you from feeling hungry. Low calorie proteins: beans, eggs, fish/seafood, chicken, turkey, quinoa, and low fat dairy are great options!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    - Apple/tortilla wraps. Spread a Lauging Cow light swiss cheese (the soft stuff) onto a high-fiber tortilla (La Tortilla factory makes a 10" tortilla that's only 80 calories and has 12g of fiber). Chop up an apple into matchsticks. Spread the apple out onto the tortilla (all in the same direction), roll it up and chomp. Fiber, protein, sweetness. Very satisfying and keeps me full! If you prefer you can use light cream cheese spread instead of the swiss.
    - Any lean protein (chicken breast, tuna in can, grilled fish, hard boiled egg whites, turkey/ham slices). Ball Park smoked turkey franks are good too. Only 45 calories each.
    - Microwave brown-bag popcorn (an ounce of popcorn kernels with several sprays of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray or a tiny bit of oil, dump it all in a brown paper bag, fold the top over tightly 2 or three times, nuke it for about 2 minutes - 2:10 does it for me, then sprinkle with a bit of popcorn salt, chili powder, whatever appeals. About 110 calories and satisfies my need to chomp on finger foods).
    - Veggies veggies and more veggies. I eat tons of steamed vegetables and have a salad at least once a day. If you go the salad route make sure you incorporate lots of variety. It'll take longer to eat and be more satisfying. I like to add all kinds of stuff like chopped turkey franks, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, sliced up light string cheese, bell peppers, jalapenos or pepperoncinis. Be sure to have some protein with it - boiled egg whites are good.
    - Drink lots of fluids. More than you think you need!

    Good luck!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I found that apple slices with low fat vanilla yogurt on the side is pretty filling.. and quite good :)

    Also... get a can of refried beans, wheat tortilla, green peppers, onions and a little low fat sour cream.. there's a filling and tasty meal.

    Or if you want more meal ideas, go to www.skinnytaste.com ... it tells you the calories for each recipe, and the food is delicious. I use that site all the time and it has yet to dissapoint me!
  • Veggie soup! Either veggie or chicken broth, carrots, celery, onions, spices (poultry seasoning makes it taste like stuffing!) and a little rice or lentils. Only 50 to 70 cals per cup. So you can have a bowl and feel full for under 150 calories. I make a big batch and freeze individual servings, so if I'm starving and only have a small amount of calories left I can warm some up, feel full, and not go over my daily intake.
  • ms_cataclysm
    ms_cataclysm Posts: 26 Member
    A bowl of strawberries is delicious and the sugar traces might help stabilise you without throwing too many calories at the problem..

    Otherwise, you could make up a big bowl of mixed salad dressed with lemon juice and black pepper and throw in some prawns or chopped ham for flavour.

    Soup-and -banana is a good lunch standby if you have an office microwave.
  • tlc36
    tlc36 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day, and it's my third day and I'm feeling hungry and irritible. Any meal/ snack idea that are not over processed but help keep you fuller longer?

    You dont look like you need a 1200 cal diet.

    Thats for people who have a lot of fat to lose.

    How tall are you?

    i'm 5'6
    and i only want to strink my belly fat, i'm actaully quite small but lately been feeling the need to tone my belly.
  • tlc36
    tlc36 Posts: 21 Member
    You really don't look like you need to lose an ounce! If toning up your tummy is what you want to do then hit the gym! :) You look great already!
  • BeautifulBetsy
    BeautifulBetsy Posts: 60 Member
    This sounds amazing, and I love tuna! That's tomorrows lunch!
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    i like to hardboil eggs and have the egg whites as a snack. i probably have 5 -7 hard boiled egg whites a day!
  • leah_gib
    leah_gib Posts: 1
    2 nurti-grain whole wheat eggos (waffles)
    2 tbsp polamer sugar free strawberry preserves.

    Had this for breakfast and its under 200 calories and filling.

    also...try drinking a cup or 2 of water before your meals. i have found alot of times i am thirsty instead of hungry.
  • BeautifulBetsy
    BeautifulBetsy Posts: 60 Member
    You really don't look like you need to lose an ounce! If toning up your tummy is what you want to do then hit the gym! :) You look great already!

    I should mention my profile picture is from December 2011, and I was under going chemo treatments so I was really thin, since then I've put on 18 pounds. I do go for daily walks, and I do a bootcamp class twice a week for muscle training.
  • gsmarciano
    gsmarciano Posts: 2 Member
    yasso greek yogurt bars are fat free and 70 calories and delicious. also go to weight watchers locations - they have amazing low calorie snacks. bananas, carrots and apples are filling - in moderation. im on 1280 a day and im eaing plenty of carbs, protien and veggies.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    I'm also on 1200/day. My diary is open feel free to take a look :-) 1200/day definitely requires some creativity haha.
  • ElliieMental
    ElliieMental Posts: 189
    Its all about the protein!!
  • cmje94066
    cmje94066 Posts: 24 Member
    I would add a salad to every meal. They are low and calories. 100 calorie oatmeal from better oats are great with a banana..200 cals total.
  • I've been living on 1200 Cal per day since Dec. 1, 2011. I eat something every couple of hours and do best (feel full) by sticking to low-fat protein-rich foods that I have prepared from scratch myself. An earlier reply mentioned tilapia and salmon which are excellent choices. I also like a turkey burger, plain non-fat greek yogurt, hummus, a salad with edamame and/or grilled chicken breast or tuna. Favorite snacks include 10 Almonds (unsalted) or a piece of fresh fruit. I limit my carb intake and focus on eating those with high fiber such as a bowl of plain oatmeal for breakfast. Simple carbs like those found in bread, pasta, white rice, chips, etc. are digested too quickly and, although they might be satisfying when eaten, leave me feeling hungry again soon after. I make sure I get at least 2 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit per day. I do not drink carbonated beverages at all; I only drink lemon green tea that I brew myself, water, or, on occasion a glass of wine. I avoid salty snacks because they go best with drinking something I shouldn't. I'd say it is working for because I've lost over 60 lbs. so far. Good Luck!
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    For Snacks:
    I like the 100 Calorie Pack Snyder's Pretzels
    I also like the 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn (but I can't eat them right now because of my braces)
    Fruits (particularly apples and bananas)
    Greek Yogurt
  • Protein!!! Anything I eat that has ground meat (usually beef) in it, I substitute the beef with ground turkey. Saves on calories and still tastes good. Otherwise, definitely fish and seafood. Just make sure to watch how you prepare them. Slathering on butter won't help any. Do you track your exercise on your log and eat back your exercise calories? I only looked at a couple days and didn't see any fitness calories listed. If you're not eating those back, you're weight loss won't work out the way you want and you'll continue to be hungry and irritable. I learned this the hard way. :grumble:
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    Cottage Cheese Tuna Salad! It's my new absolute favorite! I, personally, like to use cottage cheese instead of mayonnaise. ;)

    Canned Tuna
    2% Cottage Cheese
    Few slices of Tomato
    chopped onions

    Dole this out in 2-3 lettuce leaves slices into strips. It's about 150-200 calories, depending on how much cottage cheese/tuna you use, and VERY low in fat!
  • I'm doing the same 1200 calorie diet. So far I don't feel like I'm starving. For breakfast I have 2 hard boilded egg whites (throw out the yolk), 1 slice of toasted wheat bread w/ a teaspoon of brummel & brown yogurt spead & a non fat-sugar free cappachino. (Total 242 calories) For lunch i have a whole wheat pita bread with 6 thinly sliced turkey breast and a teaspoon of honey mustard, I also have a baby spinach salad w/ fresh sliced cucumbers and red bell peppers with10 spritz of ranch dressing spritzers, then I have a peach and a bottle of water. Total calories are 226 for all of that. For snack I have sugar free chocolate bliss pudding cup (I can not give up chocolate) (60 calories) This still leaves me with 672 calories for dinner and dessert which is easy to do. Good luck!