Disguising Vegetables



  • My husband is a VERY picky eater, but since we started doing MFP together I've convinced him to have a fruit & veggie smoothie every day as his breakfast. We blend frozen berries with light V8 fusion juice and light vanilla yogurt and I add a whole CUP of frozen broccoli/zucchini/peas/carrots (whatever we have on hand) and he seriously cannot even taste them. We make a pretty big smoothie that he takes for his breakfast and sips on it all morning long until lunchtime. Between all the frozen fruit/veggies and the V8 it has a full day's worth of fruit and veggie servings in one smoothie.

    I have contemplated doing this so many times before, and would love to try. How many calories are in the smoothie? Thanks for posting!
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    Sometimes it's could be the way you've had the veggies prepared that is what you didn't actually like.

    Growing up the veggies we had all got boiled through to tastelessness / uniform taste, I steam my veggies now or broil or grill.. lots of choices and a simple change in prep method can be enough to open up a new world of wonderful veggies.

    The way something is prepared is crucial to the taste. I've had eaten things I've hated all my life and loved it (except for peas and carrots. Still hate them with a passion).

    The best ways to learn to like vegetables is learn how to cook. That way you'll understand the food you eat and how to prepare them in a way that you can enjoy eating them. Freshly made pasta is delicious and healthy. The right marinades and spices can make any food taste like heaven. Just experiment. Learn to understand why or what you don't like.
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    I have always disliked veggies.

    But I've found some ways to cook them that I enjoy:

    Roast them with olive oil. Toss any veggie with a (very) small amount of olive oil and spread on a pan. Sprinkle with salt or desired seasoning (I like garlic powder, onion powder, italian blend, etc) and bake at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until the veggies start to get black edges and look "roasted". I've done this with cherry tomatoes, peppers, brussels sprouts, zuchinni, and more. Way easier to eat!

    I also like to sautee spinach with mushrooms and garlic and a tiny bit of olive oil - delicious!

    THIS - Roasting them makes them taste like candy! Seriously! Mmmmmm!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Eat them raw, to me they taste much better raw than cooked.

    Also, experiment eating different ones, you might find ones you like - that's what I did. I just experimented until I found what I liked and build meals and snacks around them. Kale chips and sweet peppers are excellent replacements for potato chips.