Is it me or....



  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Awesome; I have cereal for dinner quite often. I always look for fiber cereal and grains too. Plus by the end fo the day my calories are quite low and the fiber helps me with my weigh ins in the morning cause I'm a scale addict.
  • Bryan321
    Bryan321 Posts: 1
    Is it me or does the thought of eating the same thing, particularly salads, everyday after-- oh, say 2 weeks straight--seem to make me lose my appetite?

    I feel the same way about salads. That's why I quit eating them, and most other healthy foods. I now go to various buffets for lunch each day.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    You don't have to eat salad and you definitely don't have to eat it every day.

    Try bringing egg white scrambles with a lot of veggies mixed in.

    Eat chicken breast and a side of a steamed vegetable with fruit and Greek Yogurt.

    Make a pita of some kind.

    Make a pizza on a hungry girl flatout with plenty of veggies.

    There are endless delicious and healthy lunch possibilities.

    I can't tell you the last time I had a salad without hunting it down in my diary but if you'd like some ideas, take a flip through my diary. It's open.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I eat the same breakfast and lunch 4 out of 7 days a week. Breakfast is a fruit and whey protein smoothie and luch is salad with either grilled or boiled chicken on it. So four days a week, same thing. But I like to switch the salad up with different dressings or toppings. I added corn salsa on mine today. Sometimes its bean sprouts or sunflower seeds. I like to make my own dressings at home too, keep the sodium low and calorie content to a minimum.
    I don't necessarily think its the food that makes people eat it every day. I do it for convenience and so I know I'm controling at least two meals a day and I know they are good for me.
  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    Yes batch cooking will help!

    Yeah I guess I failed to mention that I'm not a big fan of eating the same things meal after meal no matter how yummy it is. I guess I'm just picky that way but it's a miracle that I've last this long with salads. It's not that I can't, I just don't get an appetite for it after I've had it. I've done it in the past and I always ended up either having to have my fiance eat the rest or it goes in the trash. So now I make it a point to only buy items that I will use/consume for the week. One good thing about this is that I can go a long time before wanting to eat the same kinds of food again (especially when it comes to the not so healthy types).
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    You just need to find a salad you love! Or try to get a couple of salads you like to go back in forth between them :)
  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    If you're intent on eating a salad and besting your coworker, why not make them really interesting?

    Yep, done and done. I've used different, veggies, different proteins, and different dressings. I've even tried salad w/o dressing but had to add a small handful of craisins for taste. I think I'm just in low right now with salads. I think I have to start accepting that I can't stomach eating it all the time, which means going back to the kitchen and making other kinds of meals. Sigh.
  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    I don't think I understand. Do you want to lose your appetite? Why would you eat something you don't like?

    Haha no I don't want to lose my appetite. I like salads but I don't like them THAT much. I eat them mostly to help clean up my diet. Plus I'm making it a personal mission to eat more veggies in general, whether they be a side dish, or hidden in other meals. Making salads just allows me to consume more, at least in one setting.
  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    Is it me or does the thought of eating the same thing, particularly salads, everyday after-- oh, say 2 weeks straight--seem to make me lose my appetite?

    I feel the same way about salads. That's why I quit eating them, and most other healthy foods. I now go to various buffets for lunch each day.

    Except that one time where we invited you to TDB LOL.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    If you can stand to eat left overs, have a different dinner everynight and cook/order enough food for lunch the next day. That way you have 5 different lunches during the week.
  • tsmommy05
    tsmommy05 Posts: 1
    i spend entirely too much time on the internet looking for new recipes as i hate eating the same thing all the time. though i do end up with a lot of salads because they are so easy and guaranteed low cal. there really is a wealth of information out there though on low cal, quick and easy lunches.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I LOVE Salad BUT- there are dressings that I get so sick of that I can't eat the salad. I would rather have a high calorie dressing I like and have less of it (I sometimes mix it with water or salsa to reduce the calories in it) than eat a salad with a bad dressing. I also try to vary my salads a lot. So, I guess my question is, is it the salad or dressing or lack of variety that you find unappealing?
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I batch cook on Sundays. I make containers of food that I can grab and go for lunch throughout the week. This week lunch is chicken and stir-fry veggies.

    I usually eat the same thing everyday. I know it's boring, but it's easy. The weekends vary a lot, but during the week I don't want to thing about it!

    You don't have to eat salad! The idea for me is to have something ready to go, so I don't get to work and head for a vending machine or fast food joint.

    This is a great idea. I've been too lazy to cook a lot at once. I need to start doing this because I am usually too tired to think about my meals during the week.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    So im assuming you dont bring salads because you arent in love with them.... but because they are healthy, right?

    You dont have to eat salad to lose weight... if youhave a healthy dinner.. put aside a portion controlled meal according to the calories you allow for lunch & you get something yummy and good for you at work!

    easy peasy! =)
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I know how you feel. I bought a 5-pack of ocean perch from the grocery store last week, and since I was th only one eating it, I had a lot of perch over the course of the week. I love fish, but I'm so sick of perch!
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    I don't mind eating the same stuff every day with small variaty week to week. For those of you that love to batch cook I would love to hear about your meals. In box me or friend me as I need the help. My usual is chicken and veggies, day in and day out. Got sick of it and have been eating out a bit more lately but still staying under my calories... for the most part lol
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    I batch cook on Sundays. Some weeks I make crock pot oatmeal to take for breakfasts all week, other weeks Ill have cereal, or overnight oats. Not much variety in breakfasts, but by switching every week or two I dont get sick of it.

    For the first 3 months of the year, all I brought for lunch was raw carrots, broccoli, and bell pepper with watered down light ranch dressing, about a cup of fruit, and an ounce of cheese. I was completely satisfied with this for 3 months..until one day I snapped. I still like those foods, and they make one of my 4 lunch rotations, but now I steam them sometimes or bring a different dressing. That rotation is about 500 calories for lunch.

    I now batch cook chili with lots of beans and corn and just a little ground meat (beef or turkey) and bring a small piece of cornbread. That totals 400 calories so I usually add a piece of fruit or some dark chocolate to bring it to 500.

    I will also buy lunch meats and small rolls for "splurge weeks" with about 600 calories per lunch. Plenty of people think that food is really bad for you...but anything in moderation I think is ok. Sometimes I need these weeks to stay sane!

    Ill batch cook different soups or casseroles as well. And if all else fails, Ill bring cereal and milk for lunch.

    I try to keep my lunch to about 500 most weeks, some weeks 600. But I have plenty of variety and no longer get sick thinking about lunch. I crave salad once in a while, so i will eat it then...but I do not want to feel punished every single day by eating it.

    I should also say I dont have much weight Im trying to lose and I work out 2ce a day most days so my calorie counts are a little higher than what I see a lot of people are trying to stick to.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    AGREED!!! When I look at most posts for lunch meal ideas, I would say 75% + of people respond with their different salads they made. I need sustenance and adding protein to a salad just doesn't cut it for me.