New to MFP and trying to lose weight!

Hi everyone my name is Erica! I've heard great things about MFP so I'm going to try it out. I've been a stay at home mom with my 4 year old daughter until about a year ago. I started working part time and then this past February started full time. I've always been big boned but I"ve been able to manage it. When I was pregnant I only gained 18 pounds because I was in college and walked all over campus all the time. Anyway from the time I started working until now I've gained 40 pounds!! I'm so upset with myself. I"ve never been one to exercise and I love all the unhealthy food and hate the healthy food but I would just eat in moderation and between walks with my daughter, going to the mall and doing things constantly I was able to maintain everything. Now just sitting behind a desk all day, and eating out with coworkers has made my weight spiral out of control! I want to get back down to where I was. I have felt very unhealthy lately and tired all the time like I could sleep all day and that still wouldn't be enough. I have no energy. This morning was my tipping point. I'm 5'2 and I've usually weighed around 130 - 140ish when I stayed at home. Well I got on the scale and saw 170 I about lost it. I don't know why it was that number that made to say I have to do something because I've been seeing it rise and feeling my clothes fit tighter and then not fit. But whatever it is I just know I need to do something. This morning I went and go the Special K shakes that I will start drinking for breakfast and no more eating out for lunch. I'm sorry I'm rambleing it feels good to finally say I"m going to lose weight and I need to...let's hope I can stick to it! :) Feel free to add me as a friend because I'll need encouragement. Living in Louisiana and being on a diet doesn't mix :)