worried about calorie intake

Hi there! I work a shift that is 5-11 pm at night and most times I do not get up in the am till at least 9 or latest 10. I still exercise at least 4 times a week doing zumba latin dancing which is fun and burn lots but my big concern is if I eat 1200 calories in a day is that too much for the time that I am up as I do have a small snack in the evening at work usually a yogurt or some peanut butter and crackers. or banana. Is this too much.


  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I work shift work as well.
    When I work 3:30-11:30, I'm bringing approx 3-4 meals with me to work.
    I wake up, get a workout in and have 2 meals at home before going to work.
    (approx 1800 calories)

    Make sure you add your exercise calories on top of the 1200 daily calories.

    Are you asking if eating 1200 calories from 9am to 12pm (15 hours awake) is too much?
    You actually burn calories on a 24 hour clock. So don't think you just burn calories while your awake.

    If anything 1200 calories is NOT ENOUGH, since you are working out and burning "lots".
  • mojomcgee
    I don't think it's too much because your body is just on a slightly different schedule. The 1200 cals is for a full day (24 hours) regardless of when yours is. I think you're doing great and the numbers on the scale or the way your clothes start to loosen will prove it!