Lost 100 lbs... Plateaued for a Year! Motivation?

Hi! SOOO, I have lost 100 lbs. Friends and family think that I would be so excited, but I am so fixated on the last 25 lbs that I want to lose!

I have recently started 5:30 AM boot camp and zumba to jump start my weight loss and the scale went UP a bit!

I have really come too far to quit. I need friends and motivators to keep me going!

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  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    HI! Congratuations on your weight loss that is amazing. I too have lost 90 pounds to date and and now in the process of losing the last 15. The last few pounds are always the hardest to lose and makes you want to rip your hair out every week. You are most likely at the same stage I now find myself in. Cardio just isn't doing it anymore LOL I feel amazing after a good Turbo Jam burn but my scale was sticking to that stubborn number. I have in the last couple of weeks jumped up my strength training. I want to build the muscles under the final little layer and tone up. I didn't get any result on the scale for the first couple of weeks but last week BAM 4 pounds gone. Muscles burn more calories then fat so building the muscles up will help with that last 25 pounds. I still do my cardio but have worked in a good strength and ab routine. :)