Eat more weigh less?

Can someone offer me advice on this. I have been dieting for about 6 weeks and have lost 7lbs, but I haven't lost any for about 3 weeks! I have beeen sticking to 1,200 calories. This weekend I went over and again today! I think I am losing motivation :( I really want to lose another 7lbs to be back to a reasonable (my 'baby' is now nearly two.)

Would any one recommend eating more? Shall I just keep at it- am I just losing motivation :(


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I did the same thing....was eating 1200 and losing then just stalled out. I figured my body thought I was starving lol (and I was too).

    I configured my TDEE (minus 20%) on this site:

    So far it has worked for me. I started losing again at a good steady rate (about 1-2 lbs per week).

    So, I've lost weight using 1200 cals plus exercise cals

    I've lost weight eating 1947 (TDEE - 20%)

    I recommend eating what works for you. Try using your TDEE for a week or so and see if it works for you.

    I can see me sticking to my TDEE much more than 1200.

    Good luck!