What's your most embarrassing moment??

knickels1987 Posts: 212 Member
So since I seen one of my friends post this as their status I thought it would be fun to see what everyone else's was.. Let's all share :D

I will start... I have two and their pretty embarrassing but OH well.

1.One time in like the 7th grade (ya know those big, hot sausages you can get at the gas stations) Well I had like the whole thing in my mouth and someone made me start laughing and I breathed in and about sucked the thing down my throat and I was coughing and laughing so hard I pissed on myself.

2.Or the time that I went to the county fair and was wearing like white shorts and first time ever in my life started my period and it was all over my shorts and people were laughing and I had no clue what the hell they were laughing about until I went to the restroom. Not only was it embarrassing but traumatizing as well.